Consequences Of Drinking In The Chaser By John Collier

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In the short story, “The Chaser” by John Collier, a young man of the name Alan goes out to a strange old man to buy a love potion because he believes his girlfriend should only live for him. The love potion is said to transform her into an absolutely obsessed girlfriend after just one sip.
“And however gay and giddy she is, she will change altogether. She will want nothing but solitude and you,” is how we start out the description of the consequences that follows the drinking of the potion. Alan wants his girlfriend to stop going out to parties and having her own fun and to realize that he is deeply in love with her. In my opinion, he should not have to give her a potion for this, women should be allowed to live how they please as well if it is making them happy. It is as though Alan believes that his …show more content…

She will always forgive you, in the end.” ARE YOU KIDDING? If you cheat on her after she has to completely be in love with you and nothing else in her world, you can break her heart and it will be okay because she will just forgive you and everything will be okay in end. This potion is going to take away almost all of her feelings except the one that she has to be in love with someone who has to poison her to get her feelings to reciprocate hers. This again sounds like a stereotype, but towards younger girls in newer relationships, no matter how many times they will catch their boyfriend “slipping” they will always get back with them. This potion will have this woman stay even after she could be so badly hurt.

The Chaser is a very degrading to women in my opinion. A potion is needed only for the mere fact that a gal enjoys partying. Females should be allowed to just live their lives freely but still love someone. There should be no reason you have to pick one or the other, especially if males are allowed to have

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