Consentment Definition Essay

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Bitter irritation and having a feeling of being treated unfairly is more common than ever before. Those who actually try to deal with the matter however, are more than desperate to force their way and their solution down other's throats. Still, resentment has a very killing impact towards all, and yet people still chose resentment over much more superior options. Noticing, that becoming clearly realizable, we acknowledge the best of choices… Most of the time. Not only do we make the wrong choices at times, we may think that our choice is the best action to carry out. But the meaning of this quote refers to resentment. Hurting yourself, it would be that same as wishing that resentment would be the answer, and deal with your problems. Using the word “poison” that known as a deadly substance of some sort that may injure or kill someone, we have the understanding that resentment would be equivalent to drinking the poison and hoping, just hoping that it would take care of our issues for us. Closely, connecting my school year, I have seen …show more content…

Without holding someone down cannot be possible, without holding yourself down as well. Bringing someone else to be incapable of some things can also impact yourself to be incapable of doing things also. Not only is this not realized, but it can damage a relationship, or even both of the victim's all together. Though we are not perfect, we can still see some mistakes made by us, and fellow others. The reason most are blind to reality is why we can be clueless as to why we are presenting, and holding eachother down. This is commonly, showed in companies, governments, and even between countries. During the Rwandan Genocide, the Hutu Interahamwe Militia were planning on killing the Tutsi in Rwanda. The horrific chain of events led to no benefit to anyone. Some were left emotionally and physically scarred for the rest of their lives. Not even the Hutu benefitted from this terrible

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