Congressional Term Limits Essay

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Congressional Term Limits: The Future of the United States Since the time of the Founding Fathers, a general consensus has stated that people, when given the power, will absolutely be corrupted by it over time. This essay will focus on amending the constitution to create term limits for Congress in suit with the moralistic political culture laid out by Daniel Elazar. Our effort is to curb society from the abysmal within us and to forestall corruption from further spreading in our federal government can only happen if Congress has term limits imposed upon them. Therefore, no person shall be elected or appointed as a member of the United States Congress if the duration of the term for which the person is elected or appointed, in its entirety …show more content…

With a Citizen’s Congress, there will be less chance for corruption of government officials if their time in office is limited to no more than twelve years. Opponents argue that a problem arises when a popular lawmaker seen by her constituents as being effective and influential would want to re-elect her to Congress - but could be barred from doing so by a term-limit law [6]. However, new politicians are less likely to have the familiarity to exploit the system for personal gain and are more skeptical of lobbyists and special interests group such as the sugar industry, big oil or pharmaceuticals. One only needs to look at the examples set by President’s serving their second term to understand that politicians in their last term of office are more likely to disregard common day politics and media criticism to target what is best for the country; they can work to establish tangible accomplishments that will build on their …show more content…

Career legislators and professional politicians have created a cavernous abyss between themselves and their constituents which has sent our country spiraling into an unproductive country, as well as a government that lacks assurance from the very people it should be representing. In order for democracy to work, it must be a representation of the citizens grappling with its consequences; a government of, by, and for the people; that can only happen with a Citizen’s Congress. By proposing a constitutional amendment with specified term limits, the play for power and the Citizen’s Congress can start the process of righting the wrongs created by the skewed political culture which has become

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