Congress Executive Control

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The Congress have a significant role in America’s society, specifically it is in charge of developing policies along with rules and regulations of administrative law, in which agencies are entitled to enforce the rules. However, as we might have learned the executive power has in some way exercised control over administrative agencies throughout the U.S. history. The executive has expressed its willing for taking the control of agencies without considering receiving penalties from the Congress. Presidents from the Republican Party had challenge the Congress’ power by not supporting the enforcement of acts along with the Office of Management and Budget (OMB). For example, we learned in chapter two that President Reagan and Bush both presidents …show more content…

According to Cann (2006) argued “Those tools are appointments, removal, reorganization, executive orders, the budget, and OMB screening of proposed agency rules” (p. 28). The first tool that is accessible for the executive control are presidential appointments, which allows the president with the senatorial approval to make bureaucratic appointments. It is said that the president can control agencies in some way by assigning individuals of his liking as head of departments. This can cause the problem of captivity, since the appointed might not possess the necessary experience to manage the department. The second tool is the presidential power of removal of the individual that was appointed but with senatorial consent. The third presidential tool is the role of the law in which the U.S. Supreme Court resolves the disputes between the law, the public and agencies by making important changes in the scope of the law that will eventually impact the future behavior of society. The textbook mentions the executive power of removal of appointees is restricted to only those offices controlled by the executive. A great example of this issue is the Wiener vs. United States where the president did not possessed the authority to eliminate …show more content…

The president can make a proposal to the Congress to relocate the members of staff to another agency. The executive power has the ability to exercise executive orders that will eventually impact the standards and procedures of agencies. According to Cann (2006) stated, “…therefore rested solely for its legal authority on Article II of the Constitution vesting executive power in the president” (p. 35). A great example of the presidential power to issue executive orders is the 12291, in which the president demanded to the OMB to require members of agencies to arrange a report with the possible consequences after the imposed rules required by OSHA(Occupational Safety and Health Administration). The sixth presidential tool is the budget in which the president can in some way control the budget of agencies. For example, the OMB requires agencies to submit their budget with the proposed profits and costs, but the OMB can modify the proposed budget before passing it to the Congress, House and Senate. The president along with the OMB, have the ability to control agencies by evaluating its budget, controlling the amount of money given to destination of the resources, development of programs and to reduce the budgets of

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