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Allowing condoms to be distributed in public schools has had much controversy over the years. Many people learn about safe sex, but there are still many unwanted pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases floating around. Some schools across the United States have made it to where students are given condoms in school. On top of other alternatives, such condom distribution programs should be allowed or promoted in public schools to help reduce teen pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases.
Many questions and concerns have come about regarding this promotion of condoms being distributed in public schools. Will it lower teen pregnancy rates? Will condoms reduce sexually transmitted diseases? Will the distribution of condoms in public schools make students more sexually responsible? Who will fund these interventions? Some people believe teaching children and teens about abstinence is the best way to minimize pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases. Birth control is an alternative used to prevent pregnancy, not necessarily sexually transmitted diseases and using condoms is always a way to protect from diseases and unwanted pregnancies. With these different alternatives and many parents feel as if the program goes against their beliefs and values as a parent/guardian, implementation of the program is a legitimate way to reduce the new trend of pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases.
Sex before marriage, to many people, is a sin. In the bible it asks that people abstain from sexual immorality. If such condom distribution programs were allowed in schools, firm believers in God believe that this is strictly going against what the bible says. There was an article written by Linda Villarosa, from the New York Times, on a ...
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...he teen pregnancy rate has gone down is through a combination of less sex and more contraception,'' said Sarah Brown, director of the National Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy, a nonprofit advocacy group in Washington. ‘So both sides are making a contribution.’”
Works Cited
Kirby, Douglas. "Abstinence, Sex, And STD/HIV Education Programs For Teens: Their Impact On Sexual Behavior, Pregnancy, And Sexually Transmitted Disease." Annual Review Of Sex Research 18 (2007): 143-177. OmniFile Full Text Mega (H.W. Wilson). Web. 1 Apr. 2013.
O'Leary, Ann. Beyond Condoms: Alternative Approaches To HIV Prevention. New York: Kluwer Academic/Plenum Pub., 2002. eBook Collection. Web. 20 Feb. 2013.
Villarosa, Linda. “More Teenagers Say No to Sex, and Experts Aren't Sure Why.” New York Times 23 Dec. 2003, Late Edition (East Coast): Section F. New York Times. Web. 26 March 2013.
The question regarding whether or not public schools must offer birth control methods to teenagers remains controversial. There are those who are for birth control being provided in public school and those who are against it. This paper will describe two issues that prove that contraception should indeed be provided within public schools. The first reason is that most Americans support the idea that public schools must provide birth control methods to students. This is according to results obtained from several opinion polls. The second reason for contraceptive being given to teenagers, will help them avoid many dangerous Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD) associated with having unsafe sexual practices. Studies have shown an increase with unprotected sex with teenagers can result in a wide-range of social problem, such as STDs.
Since the HIV/AIDS epidemic began in the U.S. in the early 1980s the issue of sex education for American youth has had the attention of the nation. There are about 400,000 teen births every year in the U.S, with about 9 billion in associated public costs. STI contraction in general, as well as teen pregnancy, have put the subject even more so on the forefront of the nation’s leading issues. The approach and method for proper and effective sex education has been hotly debated. Some believe that teaching abstinence-only until marriage is the best method while others believe that a more comprehensive approach, which includes abstinence promotion as well as contraceptive information, is necessary. Abstinence-only program curriculums disregard medical ethics and scientific accuracy, and have been empirically proven to be ineffective; therefore, comprehensive sex education programs which are medically accurate, science-based and empirically proven should be the standard method of sex education for students/children in the U.S.
In the article “Condom: New Diploma”, Rush Limbaugh leads this article to one of the issues with public education lately. Condoms being distributed in the school, promoting sexual activity in teens, without proper knowledge. The mindset that since kids are going to do it, why not provide them the protection. Justifying the reasoning behind handing out condoms. This thinking open doors to why not create everything safe from drugs to safe sex. Boys now having access to condoms are urging girls to have sex, even if the girls are not ready. Chaperones purpose was to monitor and keep girls safe from the pursuit of eager young men. This is not the case anymore within the campuses. Adults recognize the consequences to having sex, knowing this they
The overall teen birth rate has declined by 16 percent from 1991 to 1997. “All states are recording a decline and it is the sixth year in a row that the teen birth rate has declined,” stated Donna Shalala, HHS secretary of U. S. Newswire. Although the birthrate among teens is decreasing and the percentage of teenagers who have had sexual intercourse is declining, it is a multi-fauceted problem affecting today’s youth. The government is taking in to consideration all possibilities and conditions with teen births to make an affective way to prevent it.
Kohler et al. (2008)“Abstinence-only and Comprehensive Sex Education and the Initiation of Sexual Activity and Teen Pregnancy.” Journal of Adolescent Health, 42(4): 344-351.
My research paper is about why high schools should provide condoms for students, along with comprehensive sexual education programs. I hope to enlighten the reader about sexual education in high school by answering these questions: How will providing condoms keep students safe? Will sexual education benefit kids? And finally, did not having sex ed affect the generation before us? My view is that most teens are going to have sex, it’s natural and instinctual, but making teens less ignorant about sex and provide them with a way to practice safer sex will result in less teenage pregnancies, STDs, and smarter choices regarding sex. The articles I chose are medically accurate and provide reasons to support sex ed programs and why it’s important to talk to teens about healthy sexual choices.
Analyses of the Urban Institute’s National Survey of Adolescent Males (NSAM) show that although most sexually experienced teenage males have used condoms at least once, many do not use them consistently. Only 35 percent reported using a condom every time they had sex in the past year. But teenage males use condoms more than older men, and between 1979 and 1988 reported condom use among male teenagers doubled. These patterns indicate that teenagers are a promising target population for condom promotion efforts since they appear more ready than older men to change their behaviors.
A more relatable article, “Condom Distribution in High School” - A Rebuttal” by Robert N. Rowe, a writer and consultant, stands firmly in favor of distributing condoms to high school students and comments directly on Gow’s article. Rowe clearly states, “Granted, they are the most logical and desirable sources, but what if a student has incompetent or perhaps no parental guidance and has little if any access to a physician? Schools have acted in loco parentis ever since public education first evolved. Why should it stop now during a devastating health crisis?” While Gow believes that parents and physicians are the accountable ones for providing students with the proper information and materials about sexually transmitted diseases, Rowe sees
Many schools have provided teens with sex education classes to provide students with information about safe sex. Furthermore, Moskowitz explains that the “New York City board of Education programs are allowed to distribute condoms to high school students without parental consent.” Although many parents were against the school policy the court decided to allow students to receive condoms without parental consent. By having classes that discusses HIV, AIDS, and teen pregnancy teens may feel that having condoms distributed in schools is great to coincide with the classes being taught at the school. Condoms are the first method of birth control for teens and are a great start for teens that are having sex if they are not sure their parents should be involved in their decision on having sex.
For every 1,000 girls between the ages fifteen and nineteen, 72.6 got pregnant in 2010 down from 98.8 in 2001. The rate was 43.1 for girls fifteen to seventeen and 114.5 for eighteen and nineteen year old girls. There are about 19,080 teen pregnancies a year in the city down from 24,815 in 2001. Sexual activity has also dropped from 50.9% to 37.8% (Beck). Teens are now using more contraceptives and are slowing down when it comes to having sex. New York City has made it easier for students to have access to condoms, birth control and the morning after pill through their school clinics and since they have been offering it pregnancy is going down (Durkin,
Coinciding with the onslaught of the new millennium, schools are beginning to realize that the parents are not doing their job when it comes to sexual education. The school system already has classes on sexual education; these classes are based mainly on human anatomy. Most schools do not teach their students about relationships, morals, respect, self-discipline, self-respect, and most importantly contraceptives. Everyday students engage in sexual activity, many of them with out condoms. This simple act jeopardizes these students' futures and possibly their lives. An increasing amount of school systems are starting to combine messages involving abstinence from sexual activity, and expanding availability of contraceptives, especially condoms. Schools are now stepping in to further equip their students for life. The distribution of condoms in public high schools will lower the rate of pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases among teenagers.
Martinez, Gladys, Joyce Abma, and Casey Copen. “Educating Teenagers About Sex In The United States”. CDC.GOV. Center of Disease Control and Prevention, 15 Sept. 2010. Web. 09 Feb.2014
In a large amount of schools across America, this has become a disturbing trend. Schools are handing out condoms to kids. This is wrong on so many fronts that I cannot even begin to name them. The fact that people argue this fact astounds me. I cannot believe this action was even considered. I will name a few points that I believe are the most prominent and powerful arguments for my case.
...hat Bell included in her article both groups, those who participated in abstinence only and those who didn’t, reported that the use condoms were the same does not justify anything. If I were still an adolescent 9th or 10th grader and an adult asked me if I use protection while having sex I would lie and say “Of course!” because of knowing its wrong and don’t want to be embarrassed. Therefore, I stand by my opinion that age appropriate sexuality programs should be taught in schools rather than waiting until marriage, an abstinence only approach, or none at all. Not only will teen pregnancy rates go down, but also children learn how to protect them selves from sexually transmitted diseases. If parents are trying to equip their children for a better tomorrow, then topic of sex needs to be dealt with in a smart, productive and educational setting by professionals.
“Forty-one percent of teens ages 18-19 said they know nothing about condoms, and seventy-five percent said they know nothing about the contraceptive pill” (Facts on American Teens). Even if schools taught just abstinence it still would not be enough. “In 2007, a study showed that abstinence only programs have no beneficial impact on the sexual behavior of young people” (Facts on American Teens). Sex education is not taken as seriously as it should be in schools, it is treated like it is not a big deal. Schools should require a sex education class that specifically teaches students about sex and goes into depth of all the possible consequences because of the high pregnancy, abortion, and virus rates.