Condivi Ascanio And Hellmut Wohl

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Condivi, Ascanio, and Hellmut Wohl. Life of Michelangelo. 2nd. University Park: Pennsylvania State Univ Pr, 1999. Print.

The text in this book paints a detailed picture of the life of the man himself, Michelangelo Buonarroti. This book could be used to gather important information about Michelangelo, who was probably known as one of the greatest artists of the 16th century. It gives detail about the time period he was in where religion and nudity were prominent in art culture. This text also goes all the way from his personal life to even his inspirations that made him made him strive to become an artist.

"European art." World History: The Modern Era. ABC-CLIO, 2012. Web. 24 Sept. 2012.

This book by offers the best combination of Michelangelo’s

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