Concrete Strength Of Concrete

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Literature review
Before proceed to predict concrete strength equation, it is essential to have a clear concept and understanding on concrete. Below are review of concrete compositions and some concrete properties.
1.1- Cement
C.Deepa et. al (2010) states that cement is made of a mixture of chalk or limestone together with clay. It contains adhesive and cohesive properties which allowing it to link mineral piece into a solid mass. Cement through chemical reaction (hydration) to form a hardened mass. Among different types of cement, Portland cement is the most commonly used as binding material in nowadays civil engineering. The name "Portland cement" was originated in a patent obtained by Joseph ASP din of Leeds, England in 1824.
1.2- Water
Water undertake two important roles in concrete mixture. The first one is to act chemical reaction with cement and carry out cement hydration. Second one is to make the concrete become smooth and workable. Water used in concrete mixture should be clean and free of organic matter, any clear, drink and fresh water is acceptable. Impure water should be avoided in use and amount of water must be control carefully as they will lead to undesirable effect on concrete strength.
1.3- Aggregate
Aggregate generally means the component of different size of …show more content…

Concrete compressive strength is an important factor within the mechanical properties. In most building structures, concrete strength is used to resist compressive forces and support load act on the buildings. Compressive strength could be one of the basic measurement to review the overall quality of the concrete. Mindess (2003) states that water to cement ratio (w/c) has a great impact in the strength of the concrete. The higher the w/c, the lower the compressive strength. The lower the w/c, the higher the compressive

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