Conclusion Essay On Meiosis

715 Words2 Pages

As the two daughter cells are formed, each cell undergoes interphase part of the cell cycle (beginning) and hence starts dividing further by Mitosis to make a fully formed organism.


i) Cells produced form Meiosis are haploid (n) and have different number of chromosomes than their parent cell which is 23 whereas the parent cell contain 46 chromosomes.

ii) Cells produced from Mitosis are diploid (2n) and have the same chromosome number as that of the parent cell which is 46.
i) Mitosis:
This process occurs during asexual reproduction and produces two daughter cells that are genetically identical to the parent cell. As humans contain 46 chromosomes (23 pairs- one chromosome from each parent), in Meiosis they are halved to produce …show more content…

As humans reproduce sexually, thus Meiosis is a key factor in human reproduction as it occurs during gamete (sperm and egg cell) formation. Mitosis is used for growth and hence when both the sex cells have fused together during fertilisation (two nuclei fusing) they form a zygote which then undergoes the process of Mitosis to form a full organism. Hence, Meiosis (during gamete formation) occurs first in humans followed by Mitosis (for growth of the zygote).

The stages of Meiosis and Mitosis are described as follows:

ii) Meiosis:
This process occurs during sexual reproduction and produces four haploid cells after dividing, resulting in four genetically different cells. There are two nuclear divisions that take place in Meiosis namely, Meiosis-I and Meiosis-II. The stages of Meiosis are as follows:

• The DNA replicates so that there are two copies of each chromosome called chromatids.

• The DNA then condenses to form ‘double-armed’ chromosomes which are made from two sister chromatids.

• Meiosis-I (first nuclear division): The chromosomes arrange themselves as homologous pairs and the sister chromatids twist around each other in a process known as Crossing

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