Composition of an Estuary Ecosystem

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Estuary Ecosystem
What is the Estuary? Estuary is a partially enclosed body of water formed where freshwater from rivers and streams flows into the ocean, mixing with the salty sea water” as noted by (Biomes (n.d). The Estuary is part of the Marine Ecosystem (ocean and lakes) it is believed that the Estuary is the part of the bay where fresh water mix with saltwater rivers once this mixture takes place it is consider to be brackish water that is not as salty as ocean water. Furthermore estuary ecosystem is along the coast thousands birds, fish, mammals, plant life , and other animals seek habitation in the estuary ecosystem although there are rapid fluctuation in temperatures from hot to cold (Adapting to estuaries (n.d). The biotic factors are organisms that coexist in one particular habitat, such as bird like the great blue heron, geese, fish, bacteria and nutrients many of the fish in the ocean depend upon the sustainability of estuary ecosystem. Phytoplankton and zooplankton is mainly produced by estuary ecosystem, zooplankton thrive off the phytoplankton then is transfer to t...

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