Compensation System Of Walmart

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Employees desire compensation systems that they perceive as being fair and commensurate with their skills and expecta¬tions. Pay, therefore, is a major consideration in HRM because it provides employees with a tangible reward for their services. A significant interaction occurs between compensation management and the other functions of the HR program. For instance, in the recruitment of new em¬ployees, the rate of pay for jobs can increase or limit the supply of applicants. Compensation objectives should facilitate the effective utilization and manage¬ment of an organization’s human resources, while also contributing to the overall objectives of the organization ( Providing a first-rate benefits package for employees can be an important part of the recruitment and retention puzzle ( The organization that is chosen for the case study is Walmart. Walmart is one of the largest retailers in US. It has more than 200,000 employees. Therefore the volume of employees’ issues related to accidents on job and compensations ...

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