Comparsion of Forrest Gump and The Dark Knight Rises

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One doesn’t often think about comparing movies as different as Forrest Gump and The Dark Knight Rises. Because they’re completely different genres, it’s hard to imagine they could have any similarities at all. But after thinking about it for a long time, it starts to make a little bit of sense.
For one thing, they both have some symbolism, although Forrest Gump has a lot more. The feather symbolizing freedom, the leg braces symbolizing society, the box of chocolates symbolizing life, the shrimp business symbolizing the working class, and the ping pong ball which symbolizes focus, just to name a few. Batman himself is a symbol to the people of Gotham city and that’s the point. Bruce even said; “As a man I can be destroyed...but as a a symbol I can become incorruptible, everlasting...” The masks worn by Batman, Bane, and Cat Woman symbolize masks, oddly enough. They both literally and figuratively conceal the person’s true identity. It’s also noteworthy that Batman’s mask covers his entire face except the mouth area, and Bane’s mask only covers the mouth.
Ethan G...

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