Comparison Of Medea To The Story Of Jove And Io

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The ending of Medea to the story of Jove and Io are similar and different in many ways. Medea rode off into the sunset on the chariot by the gods, and Io was turned into a cow, but later restored to her. One wanted to leave; the other had no choice but to morph into an animal. The stories intertwine at some points that will be discussed, and others that are very different.
Medea was married to Jason and had two kids with him, while she thought her world was everything she could possibly want, it didn’t exactly turn out perfect. Jason was put under a spell to fall in love with Medea so she would help him conclude his journey and kill for the golden flees, which he succeeds in. When he returned he had already found a bride besides Medea, and that time it was perfectly normal to marry another bride. Medea sought revenge by killing her two children and his bride to be, so she left Jason with nothing. Medea then at the end rode off into the sunset on a chariot by the gods.
The story of Jove and Io was about a young man who was married to Juno but was having an affair with Io. Juno found out that Jove and Io were having an affair and when she finds out she goes searching for Jove and Europa. When Jove finds out that she is coming, he turns Io into a cow so that Juno won’t hurt her. She comes down and asks him where the heifer had come out of, and where from; he then replied saying that it had come out of the earth and was born. When Juno didn’t believe the story he just told, she asks for the cow as a gift, as hesitate as he was, Jove accepted and gave her the cow.
Juno then sought revenge by sending off Io to Argus, “the watchman with a thousand eyes, in strict rotation, his eyes slept in pairs, while those that were not sleepi...

... middle of paper ... Argus, Junos friend.
Medea has a conversation with Jason at the end of the story he tells her that he hoped the children who bring down curses on her; she looks at him and says “the gods know who the author of this sorrow.” (Lawall 719) Medea killed his children and yet she’s blaming him for her doing it. The conversation just got uglier and ended with her leaving.
The endings are a little similar in the fact that Io was turned back into a human and was rejoiced with her fellow people and welcomed a son of Jove. Medea was sent off in a chariot by the gods no questions ask of what she did. Medea was not a happy ending but for her sake she did have an easy time leaving Corinth, Jason was left with nothing. Medea, Juno and Io were both interesting stories to read because the reader gets to read about betrayal, lose, and a resolution for most people in the story.

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