Medea's Obstacles

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Medea, granddaughter of the sun god Helias, is originally from Colchis, an island located in the Black Sea, which is where the Greeks consider to be the edge of the earth, a landmark where barbarians live. Medea, a barbarian witch and princess of Colchis, unconsciously fell in love with Jason, a man who had traveled to Colchis to secure the Golden Fleece that Medea’s father, King Aeetes, lord of Colchis, kept safe and under guard. King Aeetes set up multiple traps to protect the Golden Fleece which made it nearly impossible to obtain it. Medea assisted Jason by helping him overcome these obstacles and Medea alone murdered the giant serpent that guarded the Fleece. Medea fell deeply in love with Jason that she would do anything in her power to stay with him and keep him safe. Her viscous and uncontrolled emotions lead Medea into disaster. …show more content…

Medea did everything in her power to make sure Jason could escaped across the Mediterranean, she murdered her brother and tossed pieces of his corpse overboard. Her pursuers were forced to slow down and find her brother’s body so they could bury him. While in Lolcus, Medea manipulated the daughters of Pelias, King of Lolcus, to murder their father. Pelias was Jason’s uncle and sat at the throne with no right. Jason and Medea were charged for murder and where exiled from Lolcus. They settled in Corinth were they had two children and gained a favorable

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