Comparison Of Aladdin And The Jinnee

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Can two different stories have many comparisons? Aladdin and Fisherman and the Jinnee are alike in many ways. Aladdin was a movie made by disney. Fisherman and the Jinnee was a folk tale. Aladdin and Fisherman and the Jinnee are alike they both had a bad vizier, Allah, and lying. They are dislike in the way the jinnie was found, ammount of jinnies , and by what they get for finding the jinnie. In the movie Aladdin it was about a street rat who wanted to marry the princess. In the movie Jafar the evil vizier tried many times to kill Aladdin. The whole movie changed when Jafar led Aladdin to a cave to retrieve a bottle with a genie in it. Aladdin end up with the bottle and when he rubs it a genie popped out and gave him 3 wishes. He wishes …show more content…

Jafar steals the genie and uses it to make himself evil. Aladdin tricks him and Jafar makes his final wish to become a genie which trapped him inside the bottle. In the end Aladdin keeps his promise and wishes the the genie free and he marries the princess. Although very different stories Fisherman and the jinnie have many similarities. In the story Fisherman and the Jinnie it's about a fisherman who was fishing for food. He was fishing for food but he only casts his net out 3 times. On his first attempt he caught a dead donkey which he pushed back in the water. On his second attempt he retrieved a sunken vessel with mus covering it. On his last attempt he retrieved a bottle with a jinnee inside. When the jinnie popped out he wasn’t friendly. The jinnie told the fisherman he had to choose the way he was going to die. Frightened the fisherman tricked the …show more content…

In Aladdin the bad vizier was Jafar. In Fisherman and the Jinnie the king's vizier got jealous which led to the king and doctors death. In both they talk about Allah which shows they are support the idea of monotheism. In Aladdin he lies to the princess about being a prince so he could marry her. In Fisherman and the Jinnie the doctor lies to the king about what's on the stick to cure him. They are dislike in how the jinnie was found, ammount of jinnies, and what they got for finding the jinnie. In Aladdin the jinnie was found in a cave. In Fisherman and the Jinnie the jinnie was found in the river. In Aladdin there were two jinnies. There was the good jinnie and the bad jinnie Jafar. In Fisherman and the Jinnie there was only one jinnie. When Aladdin found the jinnie he was given three wishes. When the fisherman found the jinnie he was given a choice to choose the way he was going to

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