Comparison Essay On Monticello

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Monticello The Monticello mansion lies atop a mountain which bears its namesake, the home is surrounded by an elaborate garden which grows an unrivaled variety of plants. The complex possesses forty-three rooms is 110 feet long, 90 feet wide, and over forty feet high in some areas. This combined with the thirteen feet thick walls, culminate to offer roughly eleven thousand square feet of living space. The home possesses an iconic octogonal dome over its central portion, numerous skylights, and an altogether unique design, reflecting the innovative mind of its owner. Monticello borrows heavily from Roman and Renaissance styles, with some influence from Enlightenment France as well, culminating in a masterpiece of engineering. The home is symmetrical …show more content…

Jefferson devoted himself entirely to seeing the manor completed, the decades of work along with the amount of capital dedicated to building Monticello reveal the manor´s importance to Jefferson. In fact, the building of Monticello left Jefferson with over one hundred thousand dollars in debt by the time of his death. Following Jefferson´s death in 1826, the land was broken up and travelled through a series of different owners. This ended in 1923 when the Thomas Jefferson foundation bought Monticello to preserve Jefferson´s memory, inventions, and to show how he likely lived. In 1987, Monticello was deemed a world heritage site by the United Nations because of Thomas Jefferson's contributions to the world. The manor preserves both the heritage of the nation and the mind of its most intelligent …show more content…

From its revolutionary design to its breathtaking structure itself, the mansion is a monument to the past innovations which fostered America´s beginnings. The free-thinking nature which drove Jefferson himself is also expressed in the mansion and the inventions which lie within. This spirit of originality and independent thought are sorely missed today, and the nation could benefit greatly from a revival of these values. The memorialization of Jefferson himself is also to be valued, as one who gave so much to his community needs recognition and respect, his sheer genius also is inspirational. The preservation of Monticello allows the qualities of genius, innovation, and intelligence to be preserved for the future, in the hope that Monticello may inspire the next Jefferson to send civilization to even greater heights. Bibliography ¨10 Interesting Facts About Thomas Jefferson¨ Porter Briggs., 9 Nov. 2017 "Monticello." Dictionary of American History. . 9 Nov. 2017 (-- removed HTML --) . ¨Monticello¨ American History Network., 9 Nov. 2017 “Monticello (House) FAQ.” The Jefferson Monticello, The Thomas Jefferson Foundation, Access date:

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