Comparison Between 'And The Brunos'

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版权归作者所有,任何形式转载请联系作者。 作者:fuchen lider(来自豆瓣) 来源: This movie sets during World War II, it investigates racism, humanity, and anti-war mainly through two 8-year old boys' senses. Bruno(Asa Butterfield), son of a Nazi German comandante, and Shmuel(Jack Scanlon), a Jewish boy sent to a concentration camp along with his parent(not showen in the movie), and the Brunos, only few leads, yet it interprets the hardship of war in depth, I enjoyed watching this movie as it makes me think deeply about human nature. The story is based on a true historical fact. During the World War II period, Nazi German occupied half of Europe and sent most of the Jewish descendants living under occupation to concentration camps …show more content…

the movie starts with his question: mom, what's going on?, whereas his sister, Gretel(Amber Beattie) tends to pretend a grow-up, her first sentence in the movie is the definition of the word Promotion. Such comparison between this siblings could be seen as an investigation of humanity, as well as differences between Bruno's father, grandfather, the tutor, Lieutenant Karl and Bruno, his mother, grandmother, Karl's father. These people share different opinions on the war, the Jews, their country. Bruno's grandmother only appeared in the beginning, we can only guess her political view by Bruno's mother's interpetation and respond, we know that she is sick of what her son is doing, however, according to Bruno's grandfather, their son is in history making. Such Disputes breaking out in this family reflect the country, not all German agree with this war, too. We still see humanity in that crazy period, especially when the Nazi needs to shoot a propaganda clip to mislead the public. I like the part when Bruno and Shmuel first met at the electrified fence, Bruno asked tons of questions as usual. The whole conversation between them could be considered a philosophical think piece, especially the innocence and humor in it help balancing the bitter narration. I feel so sad about last part of the question-answer the most between the two

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