Comparing Zombies In Zombieland And World War Z

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Throughout the last couple decades pop culture has surrounded itself around Zombies. A lot of movies and tv shows have been created such as Shaun of the Dead, The Walking Dead, Pontypool and many more. Additionally, zombie video games have been created and each year many kids dress as zombies for halloween. If you ever talk with a zombie fanatic, you will without a doubt hear about the movies Zombieland, and World War Z. Even though they are both scary films, World War Z contains a lot more suspense. The speed at which these two types of zombies move is very different. In Zombieland the zombies move at average speeds. They don’t have insane strength or running capabilities, and when hurt, they slow drastically. However, in World War Z they seem to be juggernauts. Throughout the movie they are extremely agile and possess strength greater than humans. In one particular scene, the zombies were able to climb entirely over the fortified wall of Jerusalem. In another scene, a group threw themselves from a building and managed to grab onto a helicopter. The zombies in World War Z are much more athletic, and this gives the movie a lot more tension. …show more content…

In both films a person becomes a zombie by being bitten and dying. However, the two types of zombies turn at different rates. In Zombieland, it can take a while for a human to turn completely into a zombie. In World War Z, it is quite the opposite. The zombies turn in twelve seconds. This was discovered early on in the movie when the main actor counts down from the time a man was bitten, until he was up and chasing after humans. Rather than letting people have a long, drawn out death, the creators of World War Z made it a lot more terrifying by making people turn to zombies

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