Comparing Two Political Parties

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Political Party Essay Two major political parties in the United States are Republicans and Democrats. Both parties want help make decisions and hold power within the government. While each party can have many similarities, they tend to disagree on many controversial topics. Some of the topics that they argue over are abortion, gun rights, taxes, immigration, and universal health care.
One controversial topic that many democrats and republicans disagree on is abortion. Abortion is considered “the early ending of a pregnancy.”(Marshall) Many democrats believe in pro-choice. Pro-choice supporters believe in the idea that women should have the right to choose whether they want to get an abortion or not. The National Abortion Federation reports that since the legalization of abortion there has been “at least a 90% reduction in …show more content…

Democrats think that all americans should have the right to health care and should not have to spend all their money on health care. Their goal is to make sure that everyone has affordable care. Recently, the Affordable Care Act went into place. Republicans are aiming toward repealing the Affordable Care Act. They feel that it is an attack on constitutional rights. They do not want a universal health care system because it “leads to inefficiencies, long waiting periods, and often substandard health care.” ( My opinion is that the government would be able to provide everyone with healthcare, but the service would not be efficient and it would cost a lot of money. Therefore, I side with the republican view on this issue.
These major political parties share many ideas but that also have a lot of differences. Both groups want to do what they think is best for our society. Based off of this essay I agree and disagree with some things the democrats believe and with some things the republicans believe. I am an Independent voter since I do not align with either

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