Comparing Two Different Species Of Spiders

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The aim of this study is to compare the legs of two different species of spiders using a Scanning Electron Microscope. The two species compared are Pachygnatha degeeri, from the family Tetragnathidae and Gonatium rubellum from the family Linyphiidae.
According to Raven et al., (2002) spiders belong to the phylum Arthropoda (invertebrate animals characterized by having an external skeleton and jointed appendages). Arthropods constitute the most numerous and diverse group of the kingdom Animalia.
Spiders are classified in the class Arachnida and in the most numerous order of this class, Araneae. They are present in every continent except Antarctica and there are more than 42,000 species around the world. They can be distinguished from the insects by several key features; presence of pedipalps, poison glands and chelicerae, a maximum of eight eyes, body divided into two regions (prosoma and cephalothorax) and covered with a protective shield called exoskeleton. In the cephalothorax are located the chelicerae, pedipalps and four pairs of legs. The genital pore and respiratory cavities are located in the abdomen and they lack wings and antennae. …show more content…

Pachygnatha degeeri is found in low vegetation as meadows and gardens around Europe.
This project is an attempt to document the legs of the spiders and compare them using the Scanning Electron Microscope (microscope that works using electrons).
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