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Urban legends
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Throughout history, there have been hundreds of urban legends that have been told over and over again and have been passed down through generations. Over the years, there has also been much debate as to whether or not these legends are myths or if they actually have some truth to them. One legend in particular that there has been a debate on is The Spider Bite legend. This Legend has been told dating all the way back to the 1970’s and has had many variations of the story ever since. There has been extensive research throughout the years as to whether or not this legend is actually possible and although evidence has showed that this legend is most likely just a myth there have been stories in the news that have questioned the validity …show more content…
The first movie that included a scene based off of the spider bite legend was The Believers a film that was made in 1987 and was based off an earlier novel called The Religion that was written by Nicholas Conde (Wikipedia). The spider scene in the movie shows a woman panicking in her bedroom when she realizes there is a huge growth on her cheek and then all of a sudden it bursts and a bunch of spiders coming out it. Another popular film that has incorporated almost the same type of scene with the spider encounter was the film Urban legends: Bloody Mary that was made in 2005 and like the movie The Believers it also shows a scene with a young woman who is in her bedroom when she starts panicking at the sight of spiders pouring out of her cheek. Recently there has also been TV shows that focus on creatures lurking inside a human …show more content…
Instead, most facts when doing research show that this urban legend may be just that a legend. This is due to the habitat and climate that spiders prefer to live in. According to an article called (spider habitat) spiders are number seven on the list when it comes to animals that are most diverse in the world when it comes to where they can live. Warmer and more tropical regions are where spiders tend to survive and live the best since they are able to find an abundance of food and different forms of shelter (Spider
This story is about a hungry spider that wanted to eat at all the feasts in different villages. For the spider to be able to do this he left ropes at each village and when there is a feast, the villagers are instructed to pull the rope. The unexpected thing that the spider did not know was going to happen was that every village food was ready at the same time, and the spider had the rope tied around his waist. Due to the villages food ready at the same time the spider was pulled in all directions and was not able to eat any of the food. The novel’s purpose of this fable is to tell a story of why do spiders have small waist, but it is also supposed to show the both Ishmael and the audience that live is unpredictable even when things are
It all started in 1955 when a man who lived in the area of Loveland Ohio saw three humanoid frog-like creatures who seemed to be waving around wands that shot out bright, fiery, scolding sparks.It had webbed hands and feet, like a frog, toad, or duck.And was a couple fo feet tall, most say 3-4 feet.It had bumpy skin, and was a green chromaticity. It walked like a human with good posture, bipedally. It was said to smell like drupes from almonds, and the plant alfalfa.But yet again, in 1955 there was another report of something strangely linked to the loveland frog. Mrs.Darwin Johnson, had said that she was attacked violently under water one night, in the Ohio River near Evansville, Indiana.She
The experiment was conducted to test three different variables. These variables are an assessment of female aggressiveness, food deprivation, and staged male to female interactions. When testing the female aggressiveness, virgin females were run through a latency of attack assay to determine their aggressiveness. The spiders were given 30 seconds and a cricket was dropped in and a measurement was taken of how long interaction occurred between the cricket and the spider. When testing food deprivation, the number of days that female spiders went without food varied and was paired in groups of 1, 3, and 5 days for routine feeding. It was predicted that the longer female spiders went without food, the hungrier they would be. When testing staged male and female interactions, the males were placed in female containers with open lids as an escape route. Each pair interacted for six hours and all pairs resulted in successful copulation, sexual cannibalism, or the male abandons the female’s web. All instances of cannibalism were precopula and occurred shortly after males initiated their courtship sequence. After interaction, the remaining males were taken out the female web and females that cannibalized a male were given 24 hours to feed on the male before being given another male. A female never cannibalized two males consecutively. It was concluded that females that attacked prey more rapidly were more likely to cannibalize their first male mate. There is no detection of an association between cannibalism or food deprivation and female’s body mass. There is a positive association between the mass of egg cases and the number of offspring in females. The study proved that two factor are important in sexual cannibalism, female hunger state and female aggressiveness. There is also a source of fitness benefit for the female.
Black widow spiders are usually not aggressive. If disturbed, they will retreat to a corner of their web. These spiders are more aggressive if they are protecting an egg sac. The natural habitat of a black widow is outdoors, under rocks, brush or piles of debris. Indoors, these spiders can usually be found behind furniture, in storage boxes, etc.
First and foremost, they live in the wild part of Tasmania, in Australia. Tasmanian devils during the day scour the land to find shelter, anywhere they can. Primarily, in caves, or bushes, hollow logs, and sometimes old wombat burrows. They lived on the mainland here of Australia, although their fossils suggest that they died out of the mainland in the 1600’s, before the Egyptians had settled. These animals are mainly black, but some have a minuscule amount of white markings, usually around the tail, and on the chest. Their oversized neck, jaws, and head, is what help them hunt. During the night, sometimes people can hear an eerie growl. What happens when a group of devils feed together at only one carcass? People can hear harsh screeching, and spine chilling screams. (“Tasmanian Devil”).
After that in the dark pit Spider-Man’s thinking, “ How did he know my real identity.” Spider-Man yells at the Green Goblin “I will kill you.”
There are two things in this world that you should be scared of. The first thing is spiders, and the second is a cheerleader who has just been told cheerleading is not a sport. There are approximately 400,000 individuals in the United States in this day and age that participate in high school cheerleading (www.varsity.com). If you ask, most of them would tell you that they work their butts off, and they would say that cheerleading is a sport. In some cases, some cheerleaders are fighting for their right to be called athletes because their school districts tell them that they aren’t.
With the ever-increasing problem of pest control, it is clear that some form biological must be implemented in order to help farmers. This biological control must be able to effectively control the pest population, this means not killing them but rather never letting the pest populations get too large. Through computer-simulated programs the Spider Division of Frankenstein, Inc. was able to genetically create a spider that genetically perfect for biological control. This paper will discuss the methods that were taken as well as the results of the Spider Divisions experiment.
From 166 A.D. to 180 A.D., The Antonine Plague spread around Europe devastating many countries. This epidemic killed thousands per day and is also known as the modern-day name Smallpox. It is known as one of deadliest plagues around the world.
People have and always will enjoy a good read. The success of classics such as William Shakespeare’s, Romeo and Juliet, and The Merchant of Venice validate this. Modern authors are no exception to this ideology. In Manuel Puig’s 1976 hit, Kiss of the Spider Woman, the audience is introduced to two characters that inevitably fall into situations of adventure, romance, and deception. These elements are embedded in human kind’s tales all across the ages. The first of the two protagonists, Molina, is an easy-going, homosexual window dresser. Meanwhile, the second of the two protagonists, Valentin, is a non-homosexual, hot-blooded, political anarchist. These two are polar opposites who, in the wilderness of society, do their best to avoid each other’s presence; but being trapped in a prison cell together doesn’t give too much space for options. As the book’s title suggests, there is Spider, and therefore, there must be prey. The question is who is who?
Hundreds of people, who get in the ocean every year, are almost none that encounter sharks. Even if you're lucky enough to see a shark big enough to bite you, you're much likely to die from a heart attack than getting bit by one. Shark attacks are mistakes and the idea of a shark off every beach waiting for people to come in the water is completely untrue. I will inform you on the background knowledge of sharks and the reasons why humans should not be afraid only aware.
The tarantella has a very interesting history. Its name derives from a little southern town of Italy called Taranto. It was believed that if a spider called the tarantula bit the townspeople, the only way to survive its bite was to do a dance called the Tarantella. The locals believed this was the only cure. If the people bitten did not dance they would suffer severe pain, muscle spasms, vomiting; most eventually died.
lightning because of a curse. The villagers responded well to the spider-woman because she was
In conclusion, Spider Man is a very unrealistic super hero. There is no way someone would put their family and friends in danger by being the city’s super hero. The police and government would surely have you arrested and/or killed for making unwarranted arrests. No matter how unrealistic Spider Man is, he is the most realistic of all the other heroes.
Therefore, those psychologists feel that arachnophobia is most likely based on beliefs about the nature of spiders and superstitions about them. Another common phobia is of snakes known as Ophidiophobia. This phobia is characterized by an intense or unreasonable fear that is caused by the thoughts or actual physical presence of snakes. Exposure to a snake causes an immediate anxiety reaction that may include panic attacks or other serious reactions. In some cases, people may also have strong anxiety reactions to depictions of these reptiles, thoughts of snakes, and conversations involving discussion of snakes. People with ophidiophobia know and understand that their fears are excessive, but will often go out of their way to avoid snakes, including changing their routines to avoid any possible contact with snakes. This avoidance, anxiety, and distress can lead to impairments in social, occupational, and academic functioning. It should be stated that although a huge number of people may be afraid or feel uneasy at the sight of snakes, a person would only receive a true clinical diagnosis of a specific phobia if snakes were present in his or her environment and the level of distress or avoidance behaviors were causing impairment in their social or everyday