Comparing The Kreutzer Sonata 'And Ivan Turgenevs'

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James Bond is known as the worlds’ greatest spy, Superman is known as the worlds’ greatest superhero and Harry Potter is known as the worlds’ greatest wizard. These gentlemen are present as the “world greatest”, but there was a struggle for them to get that title, a struggle for recognition. Recognition has been a struggle for people for a long time in history and it is mainly displayed within literature. Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel was a great philosopher who explains the struggle for recognition by using the master-slave dialectic. This analytic is common among humans especially within relationships. Hegel explains that the goal of the master is to stay the master, while the goal of the slave is to become the master that means the roles can indeed switch but there is a struggle between the two. …show more content…

In Leo Tolstoys’ the Kreutzer Sonata and Ivan Turgenevs’ First Love the text uses the struggle of recognition in order to show superiority and inferiority amongst the characters. This is displayed throughout the master slave dialectic in the characters relationship with their beloved in order to acknowledge the roles of master and slave.In the Kreutzer Sonata Posdnicheff thinks he is the master and tries to prove it to his wife by stabbing her but on her death bed we see that she was the master all along. From First Love Zinadia plays the master of love to Vladimir when her true love is Vladimir’s father. However the father makes it known mentally to Vladimir and physically to Zinadia that he is the master of both of

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