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Relevance of religion to society
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Relevance of religion to society
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To a certain extent, Mustapha Mond’s opinion on God and religion fluctuates. Mond talks about the possibility of a God and its significant impact it has on the people. However, Mond does not enforce any religious beliefs to the fear of the imbalance it would cause in the social spectrum. Mond understands the importance of religion, and he also understands the different happiness it brings. However, he also understands the dangers due to the difference possibilities and results religions bring. Mond brings up the point condition comes into play when it comes to religion and other aspects of life. Everyone in the Brave New World is conditioned to do everything they can and/or will do. People are conditioned drugs are good for the system, a
“Religion Gives Meaning to Life” outlines how life is given meaning through theistic religion in Louis Pojman’s opinion. In this short reading, autonomy is described as in the meaning of freedom or self-governing and argues how it is necessary for ideal existence. By being honest and faithful with ourselves shows how we can increase our autonomy. “I think most of us would be willing to give up a few autonotoms for an enormous increase in happiness” (553) shows our willingness to practice good purpose.
He further elaborates the topic by speaking on the idea that God is a Necessary being who has no cause but He is the cause of everything and He is the one who sustained this universe. In conclusion of the chapter, Rachels stated that idea of the existence of God will always remain in the contemplations of religious people and arguments used in this chapter needs more convincing evidence to prove the existence of God in this Universe. The chapter commenced by the most thought-provoking argument that “Is it Reasonable to Believe in God?”. The author to explicit this argument gives the result of Gallop polls and the polls conducted by Pew research center, which indicates that the underdeveloped countries are more religious than the developed countries and specifically in United states only 56% of the people consider religion as the most important part of their lives. Furthermore, the author discussed that no one detects the God existence by ordinary means, however, some people can have the sensation that God is somewhere around them no matter if they cannot see, heard or touch Him.
Religion is considered as a pervasive force in this world. It shapes people as to how they behave and interact with almost everything present in the society. Influencing behavior, character formations, ideals, policies, standards are just among the dimensions and societal perspectives affected and impacted by religion. Because of these applications and implications in human lives and existence, religion should be understood deeply, particularly, on how it affects the world. Looking at the American perspective of the term "religion," it could be simply
There is no society without religion. James has also states that religion is “personal destiny”, which means that it existence is infinite in human life. Human lifestyle has been influence by the religion, so religion is a principal factor in universe. Religion is based on different believes and practices of humans which is totally understandable, despite of difference in religion people have same shared belief of putting their God above the others and shows the love and affection toward it. God has created this universe, the specious around us is the sign of his existence.
The problem of reconciling an omnipotent, perfectly just, perfectly benevolent god with a world full of evil and suffering has plagued believers since the beginning of religious thought. Atheists often site this paradox in order to demonstrate that such a god cannot exist and, therefore, that theism is an invalid position. Theodicy is a branch of philosophy that seeks to defend religion by reconciling the supposed existence of an omnipotent, perfectly just God with the presence of evil and suffering in the world. In fact, the word “theodicy” consists of the Greek words “theos,” or God, and “dike,” or justice (Knox 1981, 1). Thus, theodicy seeks to find a sense of divine justice in a world filled with suffering.
Throughout the world there are various cultures with varying religions and creation stories to explain the creation of the Earth and it’s inhabitants. Of these creation stories two with similar and also different characteristics is the Creation story in the book of Genesis which is a part of the 1st Testament in the Hebrew Bible and explains the creation of Earth and humans, and the Theogony which is the greek creation story that describes the origins of the Earth and the Greek Gods. Both the Theogony and the Creation in Genesis show nature as a blessing for humans but it can also affect them negatively, However the myths differ in the ways that the Earth and humans were created and how humans interact with the deities of the creation stories.
Religion can be regarded as the beliefs and patterns of behavior by which humans try to deal with problems and stress that cannot be solved through practical applications of science or technology. "Brave New World" deals with stress by its elimination of problems through the use of soma. As shown in the novel, the people have been addicted to soma as to the point of rioting when their supply is threatened. Their attitude can be related to religious fanatics who accomplish violent actions in the right of their religion. Present day society turns to lesser forms of expression through weekly attendance to their place of worship in hopes of a stress-free life. To overcome these limitations, society turns to the manipulation of supernatural beings and powers.
This essay will attempt to analyze the connection between views of religion in the fictional island nation of Utopia and their views on religion. By the end of this paper, the reader should have an adequate understanding of the connections between Utopian religion and morality. For the purposes of this paper, the definition of religion shall use the erroneous assumption that religion only includes only the organized practice of believing in and appeasing a god[s]. This definition excludes the belief in an absence of a god, however this makes little difference for this paper, as most Utopians are monotheists and believe in an omnipotent god. With that clarification, the message of the paper may be communicated more clearly.
...en civilization and the individual. Living in a nation still recovering from a brutally violent war (Germany), Freud began to criticize organized religion as a collective neurosis, or mental disorder. Freud, a strong proponent of atheism, argued that religion tamed asocial instincts and created a sense of community because of the shared set of beliefs. This undoubtedly helped a civilization. However, at the same time organized religion also exacts an enormous psychological cost to the individual by making him or her perpetually subordinate to the primal figure embodied by God.
In conclusion, these two short stories written by Shirley Jackson and Salman Rushdie have expressed the idea of what rebellion and conformity has affected the relationship between religion and individuals through the characters who expressed their feelings towards things that did not seem to fit in their societies. Through the similarities, differences, and resolutions that these two stories both share, the real message that can only be summarized in one way: do not be afraid to express your true feelings and don’t let things like religion take over your entire life. Things like spiritual guidance can really take a toll on an individual’s behavior and few of their own lives as we saw in Jackson’s “The Lottery”. Through these stories we now know that the relationship between religion and individuals can be very strong in some cases.
Religion can be described as a social institution built up around the idea of a supernatural being or beings, and the relation of human beings to them. In addition, religion provides individuals a belief to which they understand their existence as well network of emotional support during times of distress. Moreover, religious institutions provide individuals a proper perspective of life and establish values. Religion involves three major aspects: A conception of the nature and character of divinity (2) A set of principles concerning the duties and obligations between divinity and humanity. (3) A set of behavior patterns designed to conform to God’s will (Thorman, 154). The theme of panopticisim is to assert and maintain power by being unseen. In Christianity, God, unable to be to seen, is a supernatural being with infinite power. In addition, the Holy Bible reaffirms this power and establishes accordance among civilians. The social institution of religion is a form of a panoptic system where individuals are compelled to act accordingly.
the world, are obstructed by his faith in the supernatural; the observance of religious norms, particularly
Albert Camus was an existentialist. He was also not a religious person and even though he was born and raised a Catholic; he soon quit his religious faith and turned into an atheist, believing that religion was “philosophical suicide”. He described his attitude toward religion in the lines “I would rather live my life as if there is a God and die to find out there isn't, than live my life as if there isn't and die to find out there is.” Yet, it is seen that even though he denied being an existentialist, he is seen to have ‘brooded over such questions as the meaning of life in the face of death.’ “Men are convinced of your arguments, your sincerity, and the seriousness of your efforts only by your death.” This quote shows that Camus believed death was what created people in society and brought their life into the spotlight.
Religion has the core principle of universal freedom. Religious faith is the exercise of everyone’s natural rights. I find that religion is slowly fading away but at the same time, it will never vanish. Religion is vital in human-rights. Religion lets people decide what is wrong or rights. It has given people something that they can believe in. Religion provides mental peace and promotes social virtues. It is religion that guides lives and gives mental peace amidst the uncertainties. The social virtues provided from religion is truth, love, and non-violence. Religion is the basis in the life of civilization. It enables us to provide basic value and ethics. Every society needs religion in order to survive. Laws that were created touch basis on some religious morals. As Alexis de Tocqueville said “when any religion whatsoever has cast deep roots within a democracy … preserve it carefully as the most precious inheritance” . Properly preserving inheritance will lead to religious liberty. In conclusion, both religion and freedom make a society more stable and peaceful. Also, religion plays a vital role in social control and welfare. We strive to help out people in need and it’s the act of kindness that is promoted from religion. The large majority of the United States claims to be
The belief that morality requires God remains a widely held moral maxim. In particular, it serves as the basic assumption of the Christian fundamentalist's social theory. Fundamentalists claim that all of society's troubles - everything from AIDS to out-of-wedlock pregnancies - are the result of a breakdown in morality and that this breakdown is due to a decline in the belief of God. This paper will look at different examples of how a god could be a bad thing and show that humans can create rules and morals all on their own. It will also touch upon the fact that doing good for the wrong reasons can also be a bad thing for the person.