Comparing Listening And Hearing: The Similarities Between Listening And Hearing

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While hearing can be related to listening that doesn’t mean that someone is actually listening to what you are saying. There are many ways to compare listening and hearing, some ideas include, your brain having the ability to process information, understanding words, and being able to learn. Listening is very important to do on a daily basis. The biggest similarity between listening and hearing is that both words use your ears. Hearing is also a part of your 5 senses, which most of us were born with the ability to do. Listening is having an understanding of what someone said to you. You should also be able to repeat what was said to you to clarify understanding. Hearing is being able to perceive sound, which is the moment that the pressure waves hit our ear drums; whereas listening is interpreting the meaning of the words. Just because you hear music playing does not mean you know what the song is saying. When people listen they comprehend what is being said. Hearing someone means sound hits their ear drum then travels to the brain, but when the sound hits the brain, the brain is receiving the words and turns the words into sentences. Another …show more content…

While it is a tool to learn, listening is a learned skill that many people lack. Of course is it not the only way to learn. Some people, who are not able to hear, speak sign language. Hearing is just a part of another form of communication. When I was in school I was taught to listen first. The reason teachers say that is so you can pay attention and you will have minimal questions, because you were listening, not just hearing the teacher. When you give someone your attention you are showing that you are listening and it is definitely noticed. It is also important to listen when you are at work and home. When you are at work and your boss tells you to do something, the boss expects you to do it. Therefore you need to be listening to your boss and interpreting what is being asked of

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