Comparing Li Po's Poems 'Alone And Drinking Under The Moon'

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To'mika Williams
October 2014
English 212

In the great spirt of Li Po I've chosen to relate one of his poems called " Alone and Drinking under the moon". He was one of the great poets from a small group of Taoist. This poem reflects a period of his life, where he was devoted to nature and wine. The line that spoken to me while reading the poem was ''then I sigh for the moon cannot drink, and my shadow goes emptily along with me never saying a word; with no other friends here, I can but use these two for company; in the time of happiness, I too must be happy with all around me'' and This line just stood out to me ,it gave a sort of liberation and contentment to be free. He expressed a companionship in a beautiful way that showed how he could be inanimate to nature while still feeling happiness with no one else around him. Li Po spoke of his shadow the moon in a non-attaching and realistic way that brought you to connect like being right there. …show more content…

His writing style was spoke in an abstractive language. In relation to his poem I wrote one of my own I chose to use the same style of abstractive language and Anaphora. In this poem I expressed how I've had a few night's alongside battery park reflecting on life with the company of the ocean, moon, statue of liberty the friendship of drinking.


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