Comparing Christian Spirituality By Stockton And Laurence Freeman

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The quotes from Eugene Stockton and Laurence Freeman both describe and define the concept of Christian spirituality. “Spirituality is basically a presentation of the Gospel, the way I express that gospel in my life” (Eugene Stockton) “What we mean by spirituality is nothing less than the value by which we live and which we express in the lifestyle we follow – how we use our time, spend our money, what we wear and where we go on holiday. Spirituality means the spirit is which our whole lives are lived” (Laurence Freeman). Although a similarity within both quotes is the discussion of living out certain values in daily life, they are both different. E. Stockton explains Christian spirituality. The quote explains living out the values and beliefs that Jesus stood for in modern everyday life is spirituality. E. Stockton’s quote is purely aimed at Christian’s, “…. the way I express the gospel in my life”. L. Freemans quote can be interpreted in many ways as it is more open ended. It is not aimed at a particular religion “…in …show more content…

It tends to occur when an individual feels a sense of inner emptiness, feels meaninglessness and is in need of some direction and answers. This is when they call on their spirituality. The four movements of the heart explain the process and journey in which an individual goes on to find meaning and answers. As most people begin their spiritual journey when a tragic event in their life occurs the first movement; movement into own heart, explains that an individual is searching for something more than heart ache. The second movement of the heart; movement in the heart of Jesus, explains how reconnecting with your religious roots can help the healing process. The third movement; movement to conversion of heart, converting to the love of Jesus, accepting what has occurred and moving forward. The fourth movement; movement to mission, helping others develop their own

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