Comparing Addison's Communication, Language, And Speech Skills

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Communication skills are defined as the actual act of expressing what a person wants to say both spoken and with gestures. Language skills are defined as the act of understanding and communicating language.Speech skills are defined as the development of a person's spoken word. Addison’s communication, language, and speech skills are almost where they need to be. She has shown that her speech is 100 percent intelligible on multiple occasions, but two are on April 4, everything she said was intelligiable, and on April 14, when everything she said was intelligible, except when I asked her to count, which could have been caused by her not wanting to count to begin with. She has described her own activities, such as on April 7, when she told me …show more content…

Courtney had to prompt her with, What happened next,” often during this activity. (Need 2nd observation for describes past events). Addison has also shown that she can describe objects by color, shape, and size. On April 5, she identified a blue rectangle, purple oval, pink triangle, orange star, green heart, and a red circle during testing. (Need 2nd Observation for describes objects by color, shape, and size.) (Need both observations for uses quantity terms such as all, some, most) Addison rarely asks questions from what I have seen during my observations, but on April 14, she asked Charlie, while they were both picking a new station to go to, “Will you play with me?” and pointed to the sand and water table. (Need 2nd observation for asks questions) Although she does not ask questions often she answers questions well. On March 8, Mrs. Moore asked the class during story time if the character in the book was being nice and Addison shook her head and said no. Then on April 20, I asked her if she wanted to play a game, while outside playing with Riley and I, she nodded her head and said, “yes.” Addison has also shown her ability that she can …show more content…

Also on April 21, at sandbox, she was able to to pick out two pink coins, when I asked her to pick out two coins that were the same, and two different colored coins, when I asked her to pick out two different coins. She has also shown that she understands time related words, such as soon, later, and in a few minutes. A few examples of this would be on April 7 when she said, in dramatic play that she had to call her mom now and immediately got on the phone and another time was when she told me, when I asked her to zip up her coat, that she wanted to do it later. She has shown that she understands comparative adjectives like big, bigger, and biggest, such as on March 10, when asked what big, bigger, and biggest looked liked, she described big by holding her hands about shoulder length apart, bigger by holding her hands about three feet apart and biggest by putting her hands behind her back. (Need 2nd observation for understands comparative adjectives) (Need both observations for all basic number words) Addison was easily distracted on the week April 18, so when asked to rhyme a word with cat she could identify that bird and dog did not rhyme, but just giggled when Jessica is fat rymed. Addison did show that she can rhyme, when on April 21 I asked her what rhymes with bat and she said, “How about cat.” Addison has a hard time making

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