Cranial Nerve Lab Report

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Purpose- To identify the functions of the cranial nerve of the peripheral nervous system such as the olfactory, optic, oculomotor, trochlear, trigeminal, abducens, facial, vestibulocochlear, glossopharyngeal, vagus, accessory, and the hypoglossal nerves. I will examine these functions with a series of behavior tests on my partner who is Jazmine Cooley to see if all nerves are functioning properly and if they are not, then this will be considered an identified dysfunction of a cranial nerve which is a diagnosis.

Materials and Methods-
Container full of substance
Standardized eye chart
Tape line
Cotton swab
Tuning fork
Tongue depressor

Procedure- I did a series of behavior tests on my partner Jazmine Cooley
I also used a ruler to point at each letter as she read out loud what letter she can see. Then, when she was finished reading, she stopped at a particular line and I wrote down her results. I also tested her other eye which is her right eye which had different results. After, she finished and I wrote her results down, I tested her vision field by sitting in front of her and placing my finger near her ear and she then told me when she seen my finger at
She tried to read row 6 feet that was 1.8 millimeters but could not see the rest of the letters. Next, I tested her right eye, however she could not see the row that was 15 feet, which was 4.5 millimeters she also mess up on a letter in row 20 feet. But with her vision test it suggested that her visual field are functioning fine. I held up 3 fingers and then held up two and she identifies what she had seen in her vision fields which she identified

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