Comparing A Drama, A Comedy Vs. Tragedy?

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When looking at drama, an individual’s first thought is whether or not the drama is a comedy or a tragedy. These are the two main ways of categorizing drama, and from there they divide in massive forms. Even though one cannot classify all of drama under two categories without being explicitly expansive, it is possible to break drama down into one of these two categories. These two all-inclusive forms are the most common when asked to differentiate a drama. There are many factors in which comedy and tragedy can be easily distinguished. However, there are three key differences between the two in which one can divide a comedy from a tragedy.
In Rebecca Ray's words, "Comedies contain elements of love or lust with obstacles that the lovers must overcome throughout the play. Mistaken identities are often used in both intentional and unintentional ways for comic relief". A comedy will generally depict human mistakes in a comical way. It mocks the faults that humans encounter on a day to day basis. Since humans are not perfect, we all relate in some way, we have all undergone at some point ...

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