Compare and contrast the portrayal of landscape in at least three war poems including “spring offensive”

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“The soldier” by Rupert Brooke, Wilfred Owen’s “Spring offensive” and Julian Grenfell’s “Into Battle” are poems with portrayals of the landscapes during war. Each poem uses different literary techniques to express their view on the war. Imagery, oxymoron, emotive language, metaphors, personification and similes are used to portray the landscapes of war.
Wilfred Owen uses similes, imagery, oxymoron and emotive language in his poems to portray landscape. The oxymoron of “spring offensive” begins the poem by expressing the oncoming content. With this title, the reader can expect that the landscape will be anything but beautiful with the effects of war looming. Throughout the poem are many landscape contrasts. This could be to shake readers by taking a familiar feeling and tainting it with the unknown to express the effects of war. An example of this is in the third stanza.

“Hour after hour they ponder the warm field-
And the far valley behind, where the buttercups
Had blessed with the gold their slow boots coming up,
Where even the little brambles would not yield.
But clutched and clung to them like sorrowing hands;
They breathe like trees unstirred”

This is also an example of the similes and imagery used in the poem. The use of “warm field”, “buttercups”, “blessed with gold” gives the readers an effect of happiness and pleasure yet the subtle contrasts of the statement “hours after hours” gives a chilling image of the men in the fields just waiting. Waiting in the cold and wet and “pondering” what they had-warmth and freedom. The imagery is terrifying in Owen’s poems because that truth that he went to war and saw all of this happening. Owen’s poems are different to the Brookes’ and Grenfell’s poems in that Owen ...

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...talks about the future, what is to be of England. There is a lot of emotive language used to signify the patriotism, pride and honour that this soldier has for his country. It travels through the words when reading and the readers can also feel uplifted by just how peaceful the landscape is represented in the poem.

The three poems “The soldier“, “Spring Offensive” and “Into Battle” by Rupert Brooke, Wilfred Owen and Julian Grenfell respectively are the representation and viewpoint by and of the poets of the landscape during war. The use of literary techniques such as imagery, metaphors, personification emotive language and similes and oxymoron aid in the expressions of war by the poets of the landscape. Spring seems to be an occurring theme in war poems. Spring is usually compared to pretty things and sunshine which is a contrasts to war and the effects of war.

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