Compare And Contrast The Ways Of Speaking And Caring By Richard Rodriguez

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After rereading Rodriguez’s essay, I would verbalize education gave him ways of speaking and caring. The ability to read and accumulate provided him with ways of speaking and caring valued in the academic community. Rodriguez expressed that because of this, he grew culturally dissevered from his siblings and parents; but it withal gave him the ways of speaking and caring about that fact.
In Rodriguez visual perception, he considers his classroom and his home as two different worlds. When Rodriguez was in elementary school, he couldn’t grasp why his parents didn’t understand that consequentiality of reading. According to him, his home was strepitous and his parents always bothered and ridiculed him. Not only that, he was withal obnoxious because his …show more content…

It additionally denotes he transmuted who he was before and after the education. Even though, he exaggerates the difficulty of being a student, his exaggeration reveals a difficulty situation. He struggled a lot finding his “ways of speaking and caring”. Eventually, he understood the distinguishment between his “ways of speaking and caring” and his parents “way of speaking and caring” which availed him a lot with his life. He understood their ways of speaking and caring because he realized even though his parents might not have showed they cared very much, but he knew they did care. They just didn’t couldn’t show their emotion as much as they should have. He was conclusively able to understand what transpired to him. He was a complete transmuted man who used education to remake himself. It withal availed him a lot in his present and future. The fact that books were going to edify him, the confidence availed him to surmount his trepidation of silence. As Rodriquez looks back at his past; where he resided with his father, mother and his siblings, his family genuinely pushed him to that person he is right now and therefore he doesn’t regret anything about

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