Compare And Contrast The Main Features Of The Labour Government

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The Labour party left wing help people cause was founded in 1900 and became the major opposition to the Conservative party right wing self responsible. Following the Beveridge report in 1942 which detailed requirements for social wellbeing,and after the second world war, the labour party from 1945 created a comprehensive welfare state, well known for forming the NHS to provide free healthcare and introducing a system providing benefit from birth to death. After the war a large scale housing program to remove slums and build new homes was implemented and employment was targeted to try and relieve poverty and improve morale.
Conservative power was reinstated in 1951 and the administration accepted many of the main features of the welfare state implemented by the Labour government. In fact …show more content…

Conservative governments consequently pursuing Atlees employment policy although internal party conflict over unemployment was becoming apparent, Chancellor Peter Thorneycroft 1957-58 being one member who resigned as he believed there should be a reduction in social spending to lower inflation. Furthermore, defence policies introduced by Labour 1945 remained consistent, including decolonisation, the last military presence being withdrawn from Egypt in the 1970s. Despite the similarities in the Labour and Conservative party policies after the Second World War many argue there was no clear likeness, seeing the fundamental conflicts between them as still present. Harriet Jones advocates that there were still deep ideological divisions between the parties whereby Labour wanted to extend government control into other industries but conservatives were looking to denationalise certain industries. Supported by Scott Kelly who argues there was a fundamental disagreement over a controlled or a free

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