Conservatism vs. Labour

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Conservatism vs. Labour


Conservative policy:

There are two different types of Conservative. There is the

Traditional Conservative and the Neo-Liberal Conservative


Conservatives generally, are pragmatic. This basically means that each

political situation should be judged on its own merits. This also

means that the idea of a fixed political response or formula is

rejected. However, it is interesting to note that many Thatcherites

often adopted fixed principles for political action. There is

generally a strong emphasis on order. Conservatives believe that the

first concern of any government is to maintain order and security.

There is also emphasis on private property and property rights.

Conservatives, be they Traditional or Neo-Liberal are strong

nationalists. The intensity of this feeling varies however. Some

Conservatives support the EU to a certain extent whereas others are

vehemently against further integration.

Different flavours of Conservatism:

Neo-Liberal Conservatives / New-Right Conservatives / Thatcherites:

As the name would suggest, Neo-Liberal Conservatives, also known as

Thatcherites, have more liberal values. They stress the importance of

free markets far more than others. They also believe that the states

should have as small a role as possible in the economy and welfare

provisions. This kind of thinking was called "Rolling back the

frontiers of the state" by Margaret Thatcher. This therefore means

that the state should play a smaller role in the day to day lives of

ordinary people. New-Right Conservatives also believe in deregulation

of major industries. During t...

... middle of paper ...

... have been given. The third way refers New Labour. It would

seem that one way is Old Labour, another way is Conservatism, and the

third way is New Labour. New Labour pretty much threw away a lot of

Old Labour's thinking and has instead shifted more to the right,

attempting to become more central in the process.

New Labour places much greater emphasis on individualism now and is

not such a big fan of collectivism. New Labour has also recognized

that the class system no longer really exists and that people no

longer associate themselves with being part of a certain class. New

Labour has also accepted the capitalist system much more then Old

Labour ever did. As a side effect of this, equality is no longer such

an important issue on New Labour's agenda as they accept that with

capitalism, there will always be inequality.

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