Compare And Contrast The Conflict Between Greece And Persia

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There has been a lot of conflict between
Greece and Persia in the 5th century.The
Persian empire occupied large territories from
Northern Africa to the Middle East to even
A part of India.In 490 B.C and 480 B.C the
Persians led campaigns to conquer the city
States of Ancient Greece.All good and bad battleswere fought in this time period.The most interested was
If the had been defeat their culture might have been
Lost forever.The most influences places by Greek were Europe,
North America.It was Greek who develop democracy and
Classical architecture. King Darius was the ruler of Persia from 522 B.C to 468 B.C under his rule the empire conquer
Northern Greece.Then king Darius sight were in Athens and rest
Of Greece.Darius

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