Comparative Essay On Lord Of The Flies Book Vs Movie

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Lord of the Flies was directed by Harry Hook based off the book Lord of the Flies by William Goulding. This movie shows twelve year old boys that have been in a plane crash and are now stranded on an island. It displays how they deal with hardships and arguments and how each boy overcomes problems that are handed to them. Harry Hook did an awful job displaying what William Goulding tried to get across which made the movie extremely different from the novel. This movie starts off different than the book instead of the children crashing on the island, scattered, they were all in a group in the water and the captain was still alive. I think having the captain a live in the movie changed the story because the novel was trying to display a society without any adults and how kids would act. Having the …show more content…

However in the movie the kids did seem to be more violent with their language which seemed to be to extreme for twelve year old boys. The novel did not demonstrate that horrific language. Another significant difference was all the boys were from different schools and the only visual group was the choir boys in the novel, but as you watch the movie you can see they changed this so each boy was a cadet instead. That also changed the way the boys voted for their chief, instead of Ralph becoming chief because he blew the powerful conch and his good manner, in the film he became chief because he was ranked higher than JAck in the cadets. Even the boys appearances changed, Ralph had brown hair instead of blonde and acquired a broken arm in the movie as well as instead of Jack having brown hair, he had blonde. I did not like how the movie moved so quickly into dividing the boys into Jack’s group and Ralph’s group. In the novel they showed the boys getting along and working together for a longer period of time which made it more devastating when the groups formed. The novel also showed all the little disagreements Jack

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