Community Service for Detention

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Detention is used as a disciplinary; chewing gum, profanity, not following rules, etcetera, are all ways an individual can earn a place in the “capital punishment” of school. What does detention really do for the student or the community? Detention shows the pupil that the schools do not care enough about improving their behavior. Having a kid sit in a quiet classroom and torment him or her with boredom does not make the individual feel bad about what they did, it makes them only regret that they got caught. With many tasks and people that can be aided, couldn't detention be used to contribute to the community instead of having the individual do nothing and help none. Doing this would impact communities by having productive adolescents help out and maybe even enjoy themselves. Schools should have detention run through community service and not the traditional in class style. Having community service for detention instead of having students sit in a classroom, shows the student that the schools actually cares for them . By making the student active, and helping the community it shows the student that they care enough to interact with him instead of forgetting about them and leaving them in a classroom. When you do this it makes them unproductive and teaches them minimal. If detention is run through community service the supervisor can interact with the individual and talk about their behavioral problems, while being productive. This way is a more deep and personal conversation compared to one in a classroom where no one can talk. Some may say that in having them perform community service they don't get the full punishment, or “its not supposed to be fun” , but they put in the same hours they would do in the classroom, and work... ... middle of paper ... ...ids they'll just be worse off when there an adult and is part of society. You don't fix society about hiding your weakest links, you make them stronger so you don’t have weak links, you work from the ground up. The communities benefits from this arrangement would be unimaginable, and a big help. With the several benefits that the community, students, and society gets from having detention run through community service, a change for the future must be considered. With the increase disciplinary problems in current day society a reinforcement needs to be made. Having community service for detention shows the student that the school cares for them, makes students learn from mistakes in a productive way, and it helps out the community. Community service for detention is a no brainer, and are students may have no brains if we continue denying them a fair detention.

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