Communicating Socially And Culturally Diverse Parents

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It is essential for teachers to use effective communication skills and interpersonal communication skills when associating with parents/carers. When this is taken place, it will allow them to develop a positive and strong partnership with them and it will enhance the parental contribution in the school. Teachers must engage with the children/students during their learning journey and ensure to develop meaningful relations with their parents and caregivers (Devereux & Wilson, 2008). When the teacher deal with students with parents/carers who are from a diverse background, it is important for teachers to communicate with their parents effectively and appropriately. Teachers must demonstrate their characteristics of being attentive, friendly …show more content…

Cultural differences can form substantial communication challenges between teachers and linguistically and culturally diverse parents, therefore, teachers must ensure that they have a knowledge and understanding of these diverse parents in order to communicate with them. When there is a language barrier between the teachers and parents, teachers must include an interpreter in order for them to understand one another. Teachers should also consider offering written communication for diverse parents in many different languages in order to get their messages across the wider parent community (Lai & Ishiyama, 2004). When teachers, verbal, or non- verbal communication is not made efficiently towards the parents, it can cause conflict and discomfort. Therefore, teachers must remember to approach the diverse parents with dignity and respect and to communicate effectively and professionally. Moreover, the school must ensure that Ethnocentrism does not occur between the teachers and parents. When ethnocentric teachers judge the students or parents due to their cultural diversity, it can use major conflict and complication. Therefore, it is essential that teachers are accepting of diverse parents/carers and use their effective communication and interpersonal skills to engage the parents/carers with their child’s schooling life and

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