Common Core Reflection

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Over the time teaching in public schools has changed constantly. Even if it had to do with prohibiting faculty to discriminate students and another faculty all the way to a form created by Barack Obama called Race to the Top. Race to the Top is created to push a wave of change in education making every state compete with each other to get federal grants in the center of a recession.
Now aspiring the United States to be at a higher rank with each other, will make the United States to be more competitive with other countries around the country. In order for the United States to keep up with the other countries, they have to change the way of teaching in schools. Which brings me to Common Core, I am currently being taught with the methods of Common Core. The goal of Common Core according to Dr. Susan Berry it is aimed to "close the achievement gap between white and minority students and make U.S. students "college and career ready." ' (Dr. Susan Berry) Common Core being the new teaching way is a big issue in my community. I am a senior in high school, but in a program where I take my classes at a community college allowing me to get up to two years of college done while still being …show more content…

The grades before that will still provide the students the teaching needed to be successful in the classes in the future. For the students to be excited to go to college in the future they need to have exposure to the college life. The students should take field trips to college campus ', have students attending the colleges at the moment come to schools and share their testimony on what they experience. Expose the students to have an idea of many different careers that exist. Which will be at a college and career fair, where the students can speak with a person at the college or doing that same

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