Commander O Kane's Escape From The Deep

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Escape from the Deep is a remarkable true story about a Navy Submarine, its crew and its leadership during WWII. The Navy Submarine named The Tang made its final patrol, launched a final torpeo that performed like a boomerang, returned to the Tang hitting it and disabling the vessel. Incredibly there were survivors after the submarine sank to the depth of 180 feet in the Pacific Ocean. The Japanese cargo ship convoy that was destroyed by the Tang and its crew caused the Japanese to launch rescue boats that found the Tang survivors. The Tang survivors became prisoners of war placed into horrible Japanese war camps that eventually liberated with some Tang survivors. This story of tremendous courage by Navy soldiers is truly amazing …show more content…

O’Kane asked his crew to give everything they had and he would do his best to make life as comfortable as possible on the Tang, crew and command gave all. Commander O’Kane pushed the submarine and the crew to extreme limits that neither the submarine nor the crew was built nor trained to perform at the depths but he knew how far to push. Pushing limits through training gave them strength, skills and knowledge to ride out a life threatening typhoon with waves estimated at 95 feet, on to continue on to the Formosa Strait. The Tang with its crew, the first submarine patrol to maneuver through the strait, using clever tactics they successfully completed this mission leaving the Japanese attempting defense shooting into the air. The final patrol for the Tang and crew was very successful just before it would be fatal, as soon as their own torpedo hit the Tang. Throughout the patrols the leadership as well as the crew maintained promises by procuring special food, updated equipment and anything the leadership could do to make life comfortable the crew gave their all. Leadership used historical data as well as new creative ways to maneuver, experience, knowledge from other leaders, and common sense to lead the Tang and crew members to be one of the most successful in the

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