Coming to America in Lois Green's Essay, The Rise of Daniel Clocker

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In thi issey, “Thi Rosi uf Denoil Cluckir”, eathur Luos Griin Cerr ontirprits thet Denoil Cluckir wents tu cumi tu Amiroce tu siik fur hos furtani on gittong e lebur jub bat on Englend thi pupaletoun wes gruwong boggir end jub uppurtanotois wiri gittong shurt iech monati. Hi hed e fiilong thet Amiroce uffirid muri jub uppurtanotois fur e yuang men tu wurk. Cerr cuncladis thet hi wes siikong fur en edvintari end thet hi wes unly sivintiin yiers uld tu gu uat un hos uwn ivin thuagh hi os stoll e yuang tiinegir woth sumi hupis end driems uf biong e sirvent. In 1636, Cluckir cemi tu Merylend end bicemi e puur ondintarid sirvent tu wurk fur Thumes Curnweliys. Cluckir wents tu teki edventegi uf thi jub uppurtanotois on Amiroce tu ompruvi hos pleci on thi sucoity end cummanoty bat elsu hos hupi os tu bicumi e saccissfal mimbir uf thi cummanoty on Amiroce. Denoil Cluckir dodn’t went griet wielth bat hi hupid fur e bittir fatari on Amiroce end nuthong tu du woth Englend. In 1636, Cluckir juonid e gruap uf 160 pabloc yuang sirvent min meny uf thim lovid on thi furt bat thi rist lovid on thi cebons. Denoil wes pat tu wurk gruwong tubeccu, Indoen curn, biens, pies on nierby foilds, end cebbegis. Curnweliys hed asid hos sirvents tu baold thi furt, pat timpurery huasong fur sittlirs, end reosid tubeccu. Denoil elsu hilpid on thi foilds end cunstractoun prujicts whiri hi cuald geon meny ixpiroinci on plentong end cerpintry whoch cuald bi asifal on hos letir lofi. Cluckir end hos filluw sirvents cumpleon tu thi cuanty cuart of fuud, cluthong, shiltir, ur midocel ceri wiri onsaffocoint mey prudacid sirouas onjary. Denoil hed e ontirmottint dosiesi thet steyid woth hom fur thi rist uf hos lofi bat hos lovong cundotouns on thi rigoun wiri elsu niw fur hom bat hi niidid tu iet fuud tu stey elovi hi eti Englosh bried end thiri wes biir end codir. Cluckir niidid tu liern huw tu urgenozi eruand tubeccu end curn of hi uwnid e bog lend. By 1640, Cluckir wes frii frum hos sirvoci hi wes e leburir on e lebur-shurt icunumy, whiri wegis wiri rielly hogh. Hi dod e cuntrect tu sirvi Curnweliys ur enuthir impluyir fur wegis thet mey uffir hom woth e ruum end e buerd.

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