Coming of Age: A Thematic Unit Plan

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Coming of Age: A Thematic Unit Plan

Everyone knows that growing up is not an easy thing to do. In fact, the teenage years can be one of the most tumultuous stages of a person’s life. Changes take place daily, making it seem as though a person has no control over his life. These years often are marked by feelings of insecurity, hostility, and uncertainty. Despite this, however, the fact remains that the teenage years also serve as a time of personal growth and maturation. Because these years are so important, it is my belief that schools would be wise to consider adding a unit devoted to the study of texts that chronicle this growth process. I believe that many students would benefit greatly from a curricular unit centered around the “coming of age” theme.

In order to teach this unit effectively, a wide variety of texts and materials will be needed. Bear in mind that the word “text” as used here does not operate within the bounds of its conventional definition. When discussing the topic of thematic inquiry, this term refers to any medium that facilitates the communication of information (Pailliotet & Semali 4). It is my belief that the learning experience as a whole becomes more meaningful when multiple types of texts are incorporated into the curriculum. Although works of the canon certainly have an undeniable place in the English classroom, the benefits of more modern and up to date learning tools simply cannot be ignored. For those reasons, I have chosen to utilize a wide variety of textual sources.

The first type of text is the aforementioned classic novel. For this unit, two texts in particular will be utilized. One is J.D. Salinger’s The Catcher In the Rye. This novel focuses on the experiences of a cyn...

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...on to critical theory. New York: Peter Lang Publishing.

Pailliotet, A.W., & Semali, L. (Eds.). (1999). Intermediality: The teachers’ handbook of critical media literacy. Boulder, CO: Westview Press.

Pennsylvania Department of Education. (2000). Alignment of standards: An alignment of PA academic standards for reading, writing, speaking, and listening with TESOL ESL standards from Pre-K – 12 students.

Richardson, W. (2003). Web logs in the English classroom: More than just a chat. The English Journal, volume 93, pp. 39-43.

Semali, L. (2000). Literacy in multimedia America: Integrating media education across the curriculum. New York: Falmer Press.

Singleton, M. (2000). The school experience in the coming of age novel: Jane Eyre and The Catcher In the Rye. Retrieved October 13, 20003 from .

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