After reading your essay on “There’s a Reason They choose school”, you mention that the author is for the use of guns because they are a life-saving tool and everyone should carry them because it will keep them safe from harm. But in your opinion, you believe that guns will not stop the violence, but only increase it. I agree with your opinion, guns may help stop a crime. But they shouldn't be thought as the only choice to keep people safe, especially on campus. In your first paragraph, I thought you did excellent with explaining how college students are not suitable to carry guns. I agree that they have too much to handle. They have to deal with workloads of homework, they binge drink when possible and they lack the ability to control their emotions. Allowing them to carry guns under this situation will only bring harm to the campuses environment. For the ending of this paragraph, I would check over and fix punctuation. …show more content…
Campus shootings rarely happen. You bring up a good point that a college is a place for safe learning. Students apply to go to college to expand their mind and learn new things. Not to debate over gun policies on campus. I also thought that you did well on bringing in a statistic on how 85% of crimes happen off campus. This shows that there's no need to carry guns on campus because there's rarely any crime on campus. In this paragraph, I would talk more about how having guns on campus could be a distraction to the students
By appealing to several different views, Wheeler is able to grab every reader’s attention. Using schools as his focus point grabs the reader’s attention on a personal level. A school is a place where your children, your friends, your spouses all could be, and we still aren’t motivated to change our gun control laws. Tragic events do not have to happen like those that occurred at Virginia Tech, The Jewish Day care in Los Angeles, and Pearl High School. Wheeler believes concealed carry should be allowed in every school. Let’s make the students and teachers of these schools and colleges their own heroes. Wheeler says we must embrace all of the varied disciplines contributing to preparedness and response. We must become more willing to be guided and informed of empirical finding. School officials base policies on irrational fears. Wheeler states, “What is actually worse, the fear of what we think might happen, or the massacres that actually did occur?” Wheelers essay is very well thought out and uses fear, credibility, and factual evidence to support his beliefs. My belief is we should allow teachers and students to have guns at schools, as long as they have gone through training to do
Through the year’s shootings have increased by a significant amount. Individuals are becoming affected on a regular basis and are concerned about there safety. Parents are worried for there youth getting assaulted, sexually violence, tormented, kidnaped, murdered on the other hand, now there ending up to be more stressed for there child getting shot. Guns have been around for hundredths of years, both world wars were succeeded with guns, hence, guns were served to defend its nation through history. In Western society citizens purchase guns for self preservation. Unfortunately, they are utilized in opposing ways, the majority of crimes are involved in gun shootings; this is an essential issue in America. Most agree that gun violence will have
One of the biggest debates in education is how to respond to gun violence in schools. According to BBC, “There were 64 school shootings in 2015” (BBC). One response to the rise in gun violence in schools is to arm teachers. Even our President has mentioned “giving a bonus” (Davis 2) to teachers that The fact that the idea of arming teachers is even being discussed is disappointing. Bringing more guns into a school is not the answer to gun violence. Most people that defend the idea that guns will “help” keep schools safe have basically three points: (1) teachers will be trained in gun safety, (2) it helps deter potential school shooters, and (3) it will make the students feel more safe. Even though there is some truth to those points, I think that the cons of arming teachers vastly outweigh the pros of arming teachers.
Timothy Wheeler, talks about how guns can save lives in his essay “There’s A Reason They Choose Schools”. Wheeler writes that shooters choose schools because of the rules that are placed on campuses. Wheeler’s writes, “[t]he only solution is a prepared and brave defender with the proper lifesaving tool- and gun” (Wheeler, 657). But if everyone has a gun and a shooter comes into a college campus everyone will have a gun out. This means that when the police show up they will not know
People who disagree with me think that there should be concealed gun carry on college campuses because it will make the students safer in a risky situation by making the students able to shoot down and stop the shooter. Students for Concealed Carry, an organization for concealed gun carry on campus, say, “The crux of the SGFS essay is the undeniable fact that college campuses typically have lower crime rates than the cities in which they reside” (642). In “Why Our Campuses Are Safer Without Concealed Handguns”, an article against concealed handgun carry, states that, “Our colleges and universities are safe sanctuaries for learning.” (633).
This essay will discuss the pros and cons of gun control. Some U.S. States have already adopted some of these gun control laws. I will be talking about the 2nd amendment, public safety, home safety, and do gun control laws really control guns. I hope after you have read this you will be more educated, and can pick your side of the gun control debate. So keep reading and find out more about the gun control laws that the federal and some state governments want to enforce on U.S. Citizens.
Whether or not someone believes guns should not be allowed on college campuses because professors might be afraid to issue a bad grade, a gun may go off by accident, college is an emotionally active environment, it would lead to more violent crime, and/or someone could spontaneously go on a killing spree, the evidence shows guns should be allowed on college campuses. People who use guns generally know how to operate them, most law enforcement officials are in favor of allowing people to carry guns, campuses where there are guns permitted see no increase in violent crimes, and people don’t just snap into a killing spree. In conclusion, here is one of my favorite
B) Thesis statement: Gun control is a huge epidemic for the United States of America. The second amendment. The second amendment states "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." Which states that American citizens can be able to carry firearms. I am against gun control because they are too many instincts when a mass shooting will happen and it could have been promoted with strict gun control laws. For example on July 20, 2012 a mass shooting happened at the Century 16 movie theater in Aurora, Colorado. It occurred at a midnight premiere for The Dark Knight Rises a gunman named James Eagan Holmes through tear gas in the crowd and shot
Guns should be banned from all college campuses nationwide. Many students, teachers, and college presidents strongly oppose hidden, loaded guns on campuses because it will lead to increased violence, accidental shootings, and the non-carrying public would feel unsafe around the carrying public. If all elementary to high schools have a strict ban on guns for their campuses, it seems logical to extend the ban up to higher education. Now that it is more common for students in high school to take dual classes on a college campus, extending would ensure safety of the minors. Guns have a purpose at other arenas, but on a campus that is intended for learning and education it would be best to keep
School shootings have altered American history greatly over the past two decades. From 1997 to 2007, there have been more than 40 school shootings, resulting in over 70 deaths and many more injuries. School shoot-outs have been increasing in number dramatically in the past 20 years. There are no boundaries as to how old the child would be, or how many people they may kill or injure. At Mount Morris Township, Michigan, on February 29th, 2000, there was a 6 year old boy who shot and killed another 6 year old girl at the Buell Elementary School with a .32 caliber pistol. And although many shootings have occurred at High Schools or Middle Schools, having more guns on those campuses would not be a good environment for children to grow up in. However, on a college campus, the pupils attending are not children anymore; the age range is from 17 to mid 20’s. Therefore they understand the consequences associated to the use of weapons and have gained more maturity. In April 16th, 2007, at Blacksburg, Virginia, there was a shooting rampage enacted by Sung-Hui Cho (23 years, from Centreville, VA) who fired over 170 rounds, killing 32 victims, before taking his own life at the Virginia Tech campus. Colleges and Universities would be a much safer place, for student and teacher, if guns were permitted on campus for self-defense purposes.
Guns are extremely powerful weapons. They can cause destruction, harm or even death. They can be used to defend and protect or to threaten and kill. Any way you look at it, guns are powerful tools, not only physically but socially. As college students it is important to stay abreast of the current events and issues circulating our country today, one of which is the controversial issue of gun control. It is extremely important to pay attention to where gun control laws are headed. The directions they take not only affect our nation and society but our future as well as we all move to communities and begin to raise families.
Amongst the growing number of reports of school shootings in the United States, the question that continues to be asked remains a controversial issue that is heavily discussed. On one side of the argument are many gun owners, or gun activists, who insist that a looser gun control law is the solution, while on the other are the pro-gun control activists who call for a stricter law to help mitigate the increasing problem. Although people believe it would be safer if others were allowed to carry guns, concealed or otherwise, the truth is that a better gun control law would be more effective. While this is a controversial topic that leads people to develop strong opinions, it would serve well to get a sense of what people think about their stance on the issue as well as the defense and reasoning each side utilize and why in order to thoroughly disprove the former idea. Still a main component that fuels gun activist are concerns regarding constitutional rights but these concerns should not be where the topic focuses. There are also many doubts as to how effective gun control would be considering that quite a few fear that the lack of ease in owning
Allowing guns to be carried at all times around college campuses may cause a student, teacher or other official to assume that a person could be a threat and therefore firing at an unarmed person causing that individual to not only be losing their education but to be put on trial for a murder they didn’t mean to commit. Those individuals who shoot first without understanding of the situation could cause more harm to the college and their surrounds than necessary. This could possibly lead to a loss of students and
No parents should ever have to worry about sending their children to school. Wondering if they will come home alive or come home injured. What kind of world are we living in? Where students have to be scared to leave their house and go anywhere because you never know where someone could snap. You just don’t want to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. No student should ever have to worry about going to school. Should there be a better way to control the violence? Guns shouldn't be that easy to get a hold of because easy access will leave us wondering why they want to kill so badly, gun dealers make it easy to get them, and it increases youth violence.
Every day some news related to gun violence are being heard all over the world. Shooting in driveway, public places, schools, homicide and suicide are some of different types of gun violence. Shooting on people and killing them is a big issue in the world and different comments are provided about that. One of the most important of them is about gun control laws. Stingl (2013) says “The term gun control as it is used in the United States refers to any action taken by the federal government or by state or local governments to regulate, through legislation, the sale, purchase, safety, and use of handguns and other types of firearms by individual citizens.” According to this idea gun control laws should be stricter and people should not be able to have access to guns easily. However, there are many other people who believe this idea is not a good solution and never help. This essay will demonstrate for and against views about the topic. People who agree with this idea consider: firstly, stricter laws will reduce violence and gun control means crime control. Secondly, some research shows people with gun are more at risks of getting shot. Thirdly, guns can always be misused by their owners and finally, stricter law is the best and the faster way to control crime and make community safe. While opponents say first of all, guns are necessary for people safety and protection. Secondly, guns are not the only tools for killing and violence; there are other weapons too and finally, gun ownership is human rights.