College Argument Essay

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Besides the evident, monetary virtues of higher education, advocates proclaim that the psychological development from childhood to adulthood is profound in a college environment. After all, the drastically, sharp alteration from restricted juvenescence to autonomy heralds a period of separation from conformity, which profoundly affects all members of the family and the person himself or herself most severely. As a result, numerous supporters assert that the university atmosphere offers a smoother transition for young adults. According to the NYU Langone Medical Center, Dr. Jess P. Shatkin explicates how college allocates an environment unambiguously free from youth constrictions; this location permits individuals “to think for oneself and take …show more content…

Higher education enhances the likelihood of generating a higher income, and the environment of these campuses allow students to integrate into the independent world. Nevertheless, the insurmountable amount of debt amassed during college on top of the lack of essential skills taught hinder the reputation of colleges. Nonetheless, perhaps the issue is not with college education itself, but the issue is with society’s viewpoint on students’ futures. For decades, American adults viewed university as an increasingly viable option for success; according to Caroline Bird, since the 1960s, adults such as “parents, employers, [and] high-school counselors...began to push, shove, and cajole youngsters to ‘get an education’”, and this trend towards higher education continues to the present day United States. On the other hand, adults tend to neglect the alternative route of direct workforce. High school graduates who opt to integrate into the workforce receive far less attention than college-bound students; after all, adults tend to propel these individuals into entry-level occupations that effectively isolates these students to prosper autonomously. In order to establish a harmonious consensus, society must offer more than the college pathway or the immediate working

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