College Admissions Essay: A Passion For Learning

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I watched daily, rather I measured daily, how the white and lightly lavender tinted flowers slowly germinated in my biology class, emanating in a slumped state and slowly gathering its strength to stand on its own. Like the flowers, I found that as a little girl I grew up in a slumped state, obscured from the world of English and oblivious to what I wanted to become when I grow up. But as time slowly evolved I found that my devouring passion for learning and my interest in medicine sprung from the seeds of patient that were deeply planted in me.
For a little four-year old girl, I felt quarantined within the walls of my home and sheltered from the English-speaking outside world. Since my younger brother was barely a newborn, I only spoke in …show more content…

Although I wasn’t sure he understood, I began to teach him the word “friend” and how it was spelled. Overtime, speaking in English became my subliminal addiction that my father had to remind me that “solo hablamos Español en casa (we only talked Spanish at home).” As the years passed, my excitement with school diminished as I found it repetitive and boring. Everyday in elementary school, the ESOL teacher would pull me out of class, which I desperately despised because I missed classwork that I would have to make up later on. At first I was fine with ESOL because I felt I had actually learned English, but beginning in third grade I felt I didn’t need it anymore because I passed the yearly test with advanced. Despite for much that I cried that I didn’t need ESOL and justifying my performance with the A’s and B’s in my classes, I was yet to be removed. Just seeing my other Hispanic classmates perfectly sitting in class and never having to take ESOL only infuriated me and made me feel unworthy of …show more content…

As a pediatrician, I hope to inspire other children and teenagers to not rush their potential because they all grow at different rates and live through different experiences. Its not about where you are in life, but how you got there. Life is slowly blooming flower. Each day, you grow and discover a petal of yourself. We all start slow and need help to stand on our own. Even now I cringe at the thought of being in ESOL for 6 years. Was I really that slow to learn a language while it only took my brother 3 years? But I now know that I wasn’t slow, I was just slowly gathering my strength to stand on my

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