Collage Experience

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First day of collage was not very welcomed to me. It was a day in which I have opened new chapters of my life. It is a day that everyone waits for long. First day of collage is quite different to individuals. To some of them, it is very excited, but of them it is a night mare. Like my many school friends, it was a stressful day in my life that I will never forget. It was a day I was very confused, alone, and scared. The biggest fear of me was to adapt the new environment. Being a first in the family to go to college in U.S was the biggest challenged to me. I was unknowledgeable how the university works.
I started my first day of collage early in the morning by convincing myself I can do this. I was excited and frightened at the same time. I …show more content…

While walking toward the campus, I started to be proud of myself. I forced myself to believe my eyes that I finally made it to the college. I have seen many new faces in the way to the Alex Manoogian Hall. As I looked for the Manoogian Hall, I felt fortunate to be a part of Wayne State. Besides all the feelings, I was concerned about finding the right hall and classrooms. Fortunately, I found the Manoogian Hall and classroom easily. While waiting in the hall, I have seen many students with different background, and I noticed I am in a pristine environment. As the class started, all the students introduced themselves and shared their major. I experienced confidence and I perceived I belonged be a part of WSU community as I learn most of my classmates, who are majors in Engineering. As I learned more about my classmates, I became excited to work with them. I figure out some of my classmates are intelligent in math, and they are passionate about mathematics. I was shocked when the professor starts his lesson, and assign the homework at the end of the class session. As I exited from the classrooms, I faced another challenge to find manufacturing buildings. I realized I am lost when I learned I have enter in the wrong building. At the end, I had found the manufacturing building, although I was

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