Coin Synthesis Essay

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The nature of COIN is not to fix, but to preserve or claim the state’s authority. It is a form of “counter-warfare” that morphs in response to changes in the character of an insurrection, meaning that the narrow and technical meaning of COIN relies on the definition of insurgency. The strategy in COIN must changes and adapt to the type of insurgency. There have been many approaches to COIN, where some have failed and few have won. The objective of COIN is to obtain enough intelligence to identify the insurgents that hide among the population. Securing and isolating the population from insurgency is a key strategy in COIN. States that provide awareness through the use of propaganda and having a daily interaction with the population which can help the …show more content…

In both cases you are dealing with civilians. In COIN war trying to win the population and coercing them in an attempt to isolate them from insurgents is quite difficult. Punishment strategy and brutality will kill large body of the population, but it can make clear the authority of the state. Machiavelli states that selective brutality is necessary to make it apparent who is in charge. Selective violence can pose your authority and will. How much violence is enough? And what works and doesn’t work differ from country to country. Countries that result to brute force want to stay in power and in many cases such like the counterinsurgency strategy in Vietnam, where the US lost the war because they assume only one type of model. The US was unable to clearly identify the root of the situation. The US different understand its adversary and its environment. The US was unable to analyze and identify the type of insurgency it faced as a result the US was unable to implement a model fix to that type of insurgency. Unable to identify its adversary made the war more costly and ineffective. Brutally can be the only alternative when your adversary are funding

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