Coffee Rhetorical Analysis

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I viewed a TEDx Talked called 'Everything you've ever wanted to know about coffee', which is about the broad impact that coffee has and what the major points of making coffee are. Chandler Graf, a biochemistry major and barista, created the video to educate the young adults in the public about all things coffee. This is why in this video they use quick clips to ensure the audience doesn't get bored easily. They cut from clip to clip every ten seconds or so, which is what they do in music videos to keep the audience’s attention. The creator also uses pathos at the beginning of the video by bringing up common and most likely nostalgic examples of people enjoying coffee. This is proven when the speaker says "...seeing my grandpa with his same old mug, drinking black coffee and reading the newspaper." This is a story that a lot can relate to; reminiscing about a loved one, passed or not, that enjoyed their morning cup every day. This message does leave out the …show more content…

The creator gives information that doesn't necessarily aid me in my search, but it is information that I am glad was given to me. I am fascinated by how brewing methods (there is more than one), and the altitude at which the coffee is grown impacts the taste of the coffee. Who knew that " Indonesia most coffees are grown at very low low altitudes we have lots of oxygen, we have lots of carbon makes a very traditional cup." This information clues us into the fact that coffee must have a lot of oxygen to **render** a traditional/**neutral** cup of coffee. This means that the higher altitude the coffee is grown the further one would get from a traditional cup of coffee. I have an **appreciation** for the information provided, but I would have to find a way to squeeze it into my paper. I don't know that I want to add 'fun facts' to my paper, if the information proves itself to be useful I will add

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