Cloning Persuasive Speech Outline

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A. You know that orange that’s sitting on your kitchen counter in the fruit bowl? Yeah, there’s a good chance that it’s actually a cloned fruit. Naval oranges have no seeds in them, meaning they cannot reproduce on their own. The trees they grow on have been grafted from one another to create new trees. This process has been happening for over 100 years, with no end in sight.

B. defines cloning as a cell or organism that is genetically identical to the unit or individual from which is derived. Cloning takes place because scientists want to test new medications, study cell division, mass produce organisms such as fruits and orchids, and genetically modified sexual reproduction.

C. Without the use of cloning, …show more content…

Sandy Adams said that she is “opposed to both cloning and the destruction of human embryos and adamantly opposed to funding of embryonic stem cell research.” She noted that cloning interrupts the flow of nature, and destroys originality. 4. Our generation has grown up surrounded by technology, and things are only going to continue to advance. This means that sometime in our lifetime, it is possible that cloning will be seen as normal. Expecting parents will be able to pick specifics about their child, there will be an abundance of perfectly shaped fruits and vegetables, species of animals will no longer go extinct, and this list goes on. Although this might sound nice, the competition to be “perfect,” will create a mass amount of chaos in our society.

Transition: Inaccuracy of cloning, premature death and disease, and wrongfully using embryos are all big factors that come into play when cloning takes place.

B. Solution (satisfaction)

1. The biggest solution to help stop, or limit further cloning would be for scientists to use computer simulations, past research, volunteers, or even stop certain areas of research so that clones would not be needed to conduct the

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