Clinical Writing Skills

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Writing skills is very important in everyday life, society has grown accustomed to communicating threw scribed rather than conversing with each other. However, if the message is not written explicitly than the attended person interpretation of the information may not be clear. This chapter outlines the process of clinical writing and is designed to assist students with enhancing their overall writing abilities and applying the new skills to clinical uses.
Chapter seven points out that professors are under the assumption that every student who attends college classes has master the skill of basic writing. Unfortunately, this is not true, there is many students who struggle to create an error-free piece of writing. According to Baird …show more content…

Such as focusing on structure and style, not just on information. Also, when learning how to write clinical reports you must review reports from other writers. Reading others reports content would give you an insight on how to write about clients, the structure and style of the report and the way words were phrased. In addition, a specific content will change from client to client, however, the structure and style will not.
Writing has been referred to as being another skill, which can be learned through practice. But practice alone is not enough, another tool that could be significant is constructive feedback. Feedback from a peer, supervisor and course instructor can all offer input about both the style and content of your writing.
After having someone examine and correct a piece of your writing, it is time to rewrite. There a few things to be mindful of when rewriting your material, such as someone giving their honest criticism about your writing, and you being able to receive the analysis without getting your feelings hurt. After you move past the damaged ego, then you can begin to develop the skill as a writer, it is imperative that you practice through revising whatever you

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