Clinical Social Work Practice

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I assume it is possible to use both macro and micro approaches in clinical social work practice. At the agency where I used to work, we assess assessment, diagnosis, and treat individuals with severe mental illness or co-occurring, and other psychological and emotional problems. At the same time, the program assists homeless individuals find a home. Most of the time the case manager goes out in the field or advocates for the homeless populations. In the same program, we had public relations that assess people who want to join the workforce or go back to school. Although at the micro level, social workers work closely with their clients using several psychotherapeutic methods to help them manage and overcome their mental, emotional, and behavioral challenges. I do not see why both macro and micro should not be used in a clinical social work. Especially one would presume both approached should be applied in cases like …show more content…

The tasks that micro social workers typically complete include individual and family counseling, resource connection, and navigation services. For instance, how a CLT may apply for Medicare or Medicaid and other federal or state aid programs, what resources are available in one’s community, etc. Likewise, helping clients develop skills to address emotional and social difficulties, and intervening in situations in which clients encounter a crisis or severe distress- school violence, domestic abuse, severe substance abuse, post-traumatic stress disorder, etc. Since, disaster victims, such as wildfire and hurricanes effects citywide, state, and/or national social problems. Macro social workers should use their skills in advocacy to encourage state and federal governments to change policies to better serve vulnerable populations, and/or to create programs that address social ills. Therefore, I think both approaches should be used

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