Climate And Climate Change: What Are Natural Disasters Related To Climate Change

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This essay will describe one of the most critical issues in today’s modern human society. In the discussion section of this paper several question will be answered concerning this topic such as; what is climate change? How is it caused? What is causing sea levels to rise? And are natural disasters related to Climate Change? In the analysis part of this essay I will write about the natural climate and temperature changes our earth has faced in the past, and will conclude by summarizing all the above in the conclusion segment of this paper.


Climate change is an alteration in the statistical dispersal of weather patterns. This is characterized by fluctuations in the earth’s average temperatures The rise of the earth’s …show more content…

Although scientists are not saying that a hurricane’s intensity is influenced by climate change, many are now starting to establish a visible connection between different factors such as rising sea temperatures and the increasing strength of current …show more content…

Many factors help us determine this such as, a rise in sea levels that can be observed globally. This is occurring because glaciers are melting in the artic which is also disrupting the wildlife residing there. The strength and amount of natural disasters (hurricanes) is increasing and the average temperature of the earth is rising each year. Many ideas are debated on the cause of climate change, certain individuals state that this a mixture of extensive release of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere and natural temperature fluctuations instigated by the earth. The second factor is still being researched but studies suggest that during a prehistoric time period called “Pliocene” a similar rapid climate change occurred which may help us understand furthermore how the plant reacts to a rise in CO2 levels. But whether this process is natural or man-made we have to understand that all of our actions have consequences on our eco-system and wildlife. That is why we must join forces and fight for the preservations of our planets because this situation truly rests in our

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